Financial functions



I have activated the 'Analysis Toolpak' add -in, but many financial functions
are still not available - such as nominal and effective formula conversions.

Niek Otten

The EFFECT() and NOMINAL() functions should be available. Did you put a checkmark near Analysis Toolpak in the Tools>Add-ins

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

|I have activated the 'Analysis Toolpak' add -in, but many financial functions
| are still not available - such as nominal and effective formula conversions.


I put the checkmark, but the functions are not working. I have been throught
this process on a number of other computers with no problem. Any ideas?

Niek Otten

<are not working>

How do you see that?

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

|I put the checkmark, but the functions are not working. I have been throught
| this process on a number of other computers with no problem. Any ideas?
| "Niek Otten" wrote:
| > The EFFECT() and NOMINAL() functions should be available. Did you put a checkmark near Analysis Toolpak in the Tools>Add-ins
| > dialog?
| >
| > --
| > Kind regards,
| >
| > Niek Otten
| > Microsoft MVP - Excel
| >
| > |I have activated the 'Analysis Toolpak' add -in, but many financial functions
| > | are still not available - such as nominal and effective formula conversions.
| >
| >
| >


If I 'insert function' and select 'financial' from the drop-down menu, the
'nominal' and 'effect' formulas are not amongst the options. Also, if I open
a spreadsheet with a 'nominal' or 'effect' formula, it does not display the
result, but gives a #name error in the cell.

Dave F

If you get the #NAME error Excel doesn't recognize the function. Therefore,
the Analysis Toolpak hasn't been installed, even if you think you went
through the process. Do you have the original installation CDs? Try
installing from there or else contact your IT department.



Thanks. Can you confirm exactly how I install from original cd's?

Given that we are using Office XP SBE, we do not have an IT department, so I
am trying to resolve myself.

Dave F

What happens if you follow the suggested steps at the link David Biddulph


David Biddulph

I've only encountered the problem once myself, and it seemed to solve itself
without me having to do anything too drastic. I guess that if a solution is
found it may be mentioned in this group. I don't know whether the problem
still occurs in later versions of Excel such as 2007.

JE McGimpsey

David Biddulph said:
I don't know whether the problem still occurs in later versions of
Excel such as 2007.

It doesn't since the ATP functions were brought into the application in

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