Financial projections calendar in a Outlook-style for ease of use


Scott B22060

I wish to add "appointments" to an Outlook-style calender. The appointments
are actually recurring bills and paychecks (debits and credits). I'd like
the software (whether it is Excel or Outlook) to post projected daily
balances onto the same calendar as another "appointment" so I can scroll down
to next month and see if I am on a financial path that will allow me to spend
money at Christmas. My paychecks and auto-pay bills are typically a fixed
amount, occuring on or about the same day. All that is lacking from my
on-line banking software is a projection tool.

Many of us don't know how to use Excel as a financial tool, but most office
professionals can use Outlook to add an appointment to their calendar. I
have two Outlook calendars, one for the office and one that is personal.
Adding a bank balance calendar should be easy. How do I create this in
Excel, and make it look like Outlook? Thanks.

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