Find a specific line in FP



I'm trying to create a routine in VB, which opens FP window, finds a
specific line and highlighted it in FP window. Given that I have line
number and line content in advance did the following:

Opened a page as:

fp.Application.LocatePage "c:\somepage.asp", fpPageViewHtml

And then used this sample:

Dim objSearch As SearchInfo
Dim blnFound As Boolean
Dim objRange As IHTMLTxtRange

Set objSearch = fp.Application.CreateSearchInfo
objSearch.Find = "Some content<table><tr>...."
objSearch.Action = fpSearchFindText

Set objRange = fp.ActiveDocument.selection.createRange
blnFound = fp.ActiveDocument.Find(objSearch, Nothing, objRange)
'If blnFound = True Then objRange.Select

But this does not search for the line content literally.. It returns
the result ONLY when I specify the text portion of the line. The page
is a collaboration of ASP/HTML/Javascript and the research line can be
anywhere (also got the line number in advance).

I tried to open a page as fpPageViewText ... got error.

Are there any other controls to make this possible?

Appreciate any pointers.

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