Find all and Concatenate



I'm looking for a cell function that will search all the colums in a given
worksheet for a specific value and then auto populate the cell with the
values of an adjacent cell to the ones found. If it doesn't find a a match
in one row then it keeps looking through other rows until it does find one
and then populates.


Col A ---- Col B ---- Col C
1 --------- ready ------Changed
2 --------- ready ------Changed
3 --------- not r ------un-Changed
4 --------- ready ------Changed
5 --------- almost ------un-Changed

So with the above if I wanted the cell values of Col B for each un-Changed
in Col C then the return on another worksheet would be ...
Col A
row 1 not r
row 2 almost

Thanks In Advance,

Otto Moehrbach

Search ALL the columns? Adjacent cell? Is that to the left? Right?
How do you want to designate what to search for? Have you tried Data -
Filter - Autofilter? If filter doesn't work for, VBA will be needed. HTH

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