Find all in one sheet



Hey I have a question about find in a macro.

I have a sheet where I am looking for something in colum b and wanting
the value in colum c

051 Rate of Rise Start Pressure: 3.83E-05
054 Rate of Rise test passed. Final Pressure: 2.13E-04

The problem is I can have upto 6 of each of these or as little as 2 of
them in the sheet. I want all of them and would like to copy them
into another sheet as follows

the value of the rate of rise start pressue #1 in sheet2 cell BZ
the value of final pressure #1 in sheet2 cell CA

the value of the rate of rise start pressue #2 in sheet2 cell CB
the value of final pressure #2 in sheet2 cell CC

the value of the rate of rise start pressue #3 in sheet2 cell CD
the value of final pressure #3 in sheet2 cell CE

and so on.

Please help




problem with autofilter is that the the rate of rise won't always be
in the same row so I don't think this works in a macro does it?

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