Find all paragraphs with listtype bullet and underbullet level 2


Mats Nilsson

Hi everybody,
I´m trying to find a code that in a quick way can find, and locate, all
paragraphs with listtype bullet and specially underbullets, intended bullets.
A can get a code with loop through all paragraphs to work but in a big
document it will take quite a long time to run. So I´m trying to find out
another way to solve this.
I´ve tried to use the Find method but I did not succeed

Thanks in advance for any suggestion.

ESI Update

Helmut Weber

Hi Mats,

there is no fastest method of searching,
as well as there is not fastest method of sorting.
The speed depends on the data and the means that are available,
like amount of data, size of data items, available memory.

One way, without knowing Word's internal way of handling this,
would be, to recursively cut down a document into parts,
and look for the number of listparagaphs in the successive parts.

In theory:
Whole doc listparagraphs.count
if > 1 then
first half of doc listparagrahs.count
if > 1 then first quarter of doc listparagrahs.count
at nauseam

Whether this results in shorter processing time,
depends on the document's structure.
Might be lightening fast,
if there is only 1 listparagraph to be found,
might be a complete waste of time, if all
paragraphs are listparagraphs,
at the other end of the spectrum of possibilities.

To the best of my knowledge.

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Win XP, Office 2003
"red.sys" & Chr$(64) & ""

Mats Nilsson

Hi Helmut,
Thanks for your answer.
Maybe I should have made my question about the Find Method more clear. I´ve
tried to use the Find method to locate lists with bullets but I can´t get it
to work.
Instead I made a loop to go through all paragraphs in the document.

Is it possible to use the Find Method to locate lists with Bullets?
Best Regards

Helmut Weber

Hi Mats,
Is it possible to use the Find Method to locate lists with Bullets?

not to my knowledge, except they are based on a template.
Then you could search for a paragraph based on that template.

Or, maybe your listparagraphs have something in common,
like the same hanging indent or some tabstopps at the same
position. But then you would search for a paragraph with
these specifications, not for a listparagraph.


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