find and copy



Help please

I have a worksheet in excel that has 1000 records in it, 100 column
wide as follows:

Col A = ID#
Col B = Equipment
Col C = Dimension
Col F = Ser #
Col G = Location
Col J = Recall Date
Col K = Status
Col Q = Recall Date

The columns that I haven't listed don't contain information for thi
question, and there are 8 more columns with recall dates as well.

What I am wondering if it is possible to do is to search through th
various recall date columns for a specified date (or range of dates
and copy the data from the columns above (or the entire row if that i
easier) to another worksheet in the same workbook.

Oh, I also need it to look at the status as well. If I were going t
use filters, I would set the Status to "Active", and then select m
first Recall Date column, find the date(s) I need, copy and paste thos
rows, select all with the autofilter in the first recall date column
go to the next and and repeat.

I'm hoping there is a way to do this with code and automate it a bit.
The new data copied to the new sheet doesn't have to be saved, it i
for a one time use only, but this would have to be done at the start o
each week/month.

Thanks for any help anyone can offer

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