'Find and replace' doesn't like 'nonsense' word



My 'find and replace' doesn't want to find and replace the word
'nanos'-which as you all know are the next possible big
thing-particularly for slow , disagreeable, silicon chip-based
hardware (you didn't hear this from me). Does this mean it's expressing
some sort of latent psychological fear?/ or could it be simply a
software quirk I don't get?


Before it said it couldn't find ANY. Now it's saying it's made 39
replacements-BUT "Nanos' still appears with a capital 'N'-the same
as before. Is it stalling for time?

Bill Weylock

I suspect that Word believes nanos are essential to your document and indeed
to life itself.

Suggesting that Word has psychological problems is no way to treat your
software. It will learn of this (probably through your email program) and
will find many small ways to get back at you. Lost your keys lately?

Seriously, I just tried it and had zero problems. It isn¹t the word.

Highlight one of the words it seems to be skipping and carefully retype it.
That would make sure you have not inadvertently entered a special character
and copied it somehow.

Other wiser voices will chime in soon.


- Bill

Before it said it couldn't find ANY. Now it's saying it's made 39
replacements-BUT "Nanos' still appears with a capital 'N'-the same
as before. Is it stalling for time?

Panther 10.3.6
Office 2004
Windows XP Pro SP2
Office 2003


I re-typed the holy word,-and find & replace CLAIMS it has replaced
Nanos, with 'nanos'-but it's LYING!

michael smith

It must not be recognising 'Nanos' because of the other 'nano' words‹eg
'nanogoo' etc. Is there a workaround for this?

Elliott Roper

mack said:
I re-typed the holy word,-and find & replace CLAIMS it has replaced
Nanos, with 'nanos'-but it's LYING!
Turn down the triangle in the search and replace panel and check "Match
Then search for Nanos and replace with nanos.

Is that a clear and unambiguous description? Of course it isn't.
This *is* Word we are talking about.

The 'use wildcards' checkbox also does the job, since that turns on
match case and match whole words.
If you wanted to change every possible capitalization of NanoS to lower
case nanos, put this [N,n][A,a][N,n][O,o][S,s] in the search field.

So the hidden invisible button in find and replace is
"Preserve capitalization unless either of those is checked.

Way to go Word! As usual, too smart for its own good. Basically it
would be a good idea to preserve capitalization most of the time, but
why does it do it so silently without a clear alternative setting?


Thank you Elliott. You just saved me hours of drudgery-though I don't
see why I should have to 'know' how to do this. Roll on nanocomputers
with power-automated versions of word to match-so long as they're


Thank you Elliott. You just saved me hours of drudgery-though I don't
see why I should have to 'know' how to do this. Roll on nanocomputers
with power-automated versions of word to match-so long as they're

Jeff Wiseman

mack said:
Thank you Elliott. You just saved me hours of drudgery-though I don't
see why I should have to 'know' how to do this. Roll on nanocomputers
with power-automated versions of word to match-so long as they're

Not sure about you but I have discovered on many occasions that
the reason I couldn't accomplish what I was trying to accomplish
was because my computer had a faulty operator.

- Jeff



Nevertheless. Find and Replace has now added approximately 120 double
spaces-i.e. an extra space after I italiscised a word. Could some
kind soul (sense of humor not required) PLEASE tell me how to use 'Find
and Replace' to replace 'XXXXX'^^ (that's supposed to mean the word in
question followed by two spaces- 'space-space' with said word and
just ONE space). If you can help me, I'll be laughing! (that's a joke)

Elliott Roper

mack said:
Nevertheless. Find and Replace has now added approximately 120 double
spaces-i.e. an extra space after I italiscised a word. Could some
kind soul (sense of humor not required) PLEASE tell me how to use 'Find
and Replace' to replace 'XXXXX'^^ (that's supposed to mean the word in
question followed by two spaces- 'space-space' with said word and
just ONE space). If you can help me, I'll be laughing! (that's a joke)
OK Mack, since I'm on a roll....

Find and replace, uncheck use wldcards, find " ^w" (without the quotes,
note the space in front of the ^w) replace " " - (that's a space-
without quotes.)

If you want a joke... try Help
There are quite a few more useful things like ^w. Why should I spoil
hours of fun while you try to get help to tell you what they are?

Daiya Mitchell

Nevertheless. Find and Replace has now added approximately 120 double
spaces-i.e. an extra space after I italiscised a word. Could some
kind soul (sense of humor not required) PLEASE tell me how to use 'Find
and Replace' to replace 'XXXXX'^^ (that's supposed to mean the word in
question followed by two spaces- 'space-space' with said word and
just ONE space). If you can help me, I'll be laughing! (that's a joke)
You can actually just type it in (totally ignoring the bottom half of the
F&R dialog). You can't see spaces, but if you type them into F&R, it will
take them into account. That's probably where they came from in the first
place, you accidentally typed it in.

I type two spaces into Find and one space into Return all the time, to undo
my typewriter practice of two spaces between sentences (well, actually I
don't b/c I have a macro to do it, but the principle is sound).

The italics might cause difficulties, but I think it should be okay, but
save first and be ready to close without saving if it undos your italics.

Did some one on this thread already point out the Special menu in the F&R
dialog, which lets you do things like find two empty paragraphs in a row and
replace them with one (of which there are a few in your novel)?



Thank you, Daiya, and Elliot.
It is useful to know that
I can just type in the spaces. I did so, and it worked-after a
with Daiya's 'trick', the change destroyed original formatting, and as
this is getting close to a final doc, I had to go through it four times
to remove the errors. Another thing that would be useful, would be a
'BACK' button, so when you see an error, and accidentally skip over it,
it is easy to find it again. I have pointed these bricks out via
feedback, and encourage others to do so-after all, there are so many
complex little things in the program that need to be fixed, how are
they going to know where to begin if no-one tells them?

I have bookmarked the Microsoft Feedback site, and hereby resolve to
contact them with each problem that I have to come HERE for. I
encourage ALL other group users to DO SAME, and then I think Word will
start to improve VERY QUICKLY-but I can't do it all on my own, so
PLEASE make the effort.

P.S. How do you do the paragraphs? Is it ^^ in 'Find' and replace with
^ ? I recall it being mentioned, but I never got the exact specifics.

Phillip M. Jones, CE.T.

mack said:
Thank you, Daiya, and Elliot.
It is useful to know that
I can just type in the spaces. I did so, and it worked-after a
with Daiya's 'trick', the change destroyed original formatting, and as
this is getting close to a final doc, I had to go through it four times
to remove the errors. Another thing that would be useful, would be a
'BACK' button, so when you see an error, and accidentally skip over it,
it is easy to find it again. I have pointed these bricks out via
feedback, and encourage others to do so-after all, there are so many
complex little things in the program that need to be fixed, how are
they going to know where to begin if no-one tells them?

I have bookmarked the Microsoft Feedback site, and hereby resolve to
contact them with each problem that I have to come HERE for. I
encourage ALL other group users to DO SAME, and then I think Word will
start to improve VERY QUICKLY-but I can't do it all on my own, so
PLEASE make the effort.

P.S. How do you do the paragraphs? Is it ^^ in 'Find' and replace with
^ ? I recall it being mentioned, but I never got the exact specifics.
Try Commandkey (Cloverleaf key)-Z

Phillip M. Jones, CET |MEMBER:VPEA (LIFE) ETA-I, NESDA,ISCET, Sterling
616 Liberty Street |Who's Who. PHONE:276-632-5045, FAX:276-632-0868
Martinsville Va 24112 |[email protected], ICQ11269732, AIM pjonescet

If it's "fixed", don't "break it"!

mailto:p[email protected]



Beth Rosengard

Hi Mack,

When you hit the expand arrow at the bottom of the Find/Replace dialog,
you'll see a button labeled Special. Click it and you'll see that the first
entry is Paragraph Mark which when you select it puts ^p in the Find box.
So to Find two paragraph marks and Replace them with one, you enter ^p^p in
the Find box (either by typing or using the Special menu) and ^p in the
Replace box.

***Please always reply to the newsgroup!***

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <http://word.mvps.org/MacWordNew/index.htm>
Entourage Help Page: <http://www.entourage.mvps.org>


Thank you, Beth.

Like most things in this program-easy when
you know how. BUT what about preserving my original formatting?(no
answer required)

I KNOW that this is most likely beyond the scope of the program at the
moment. Obviously asking Word to remove extra paragraphs will change
formatting, but isn't it reasonable to expect that if I've produced a
180 page document with single spaces between words, that the document
be able to preserve that?

Have to be careful here to point out that this is just a
suggestion-'wouldn't it be nice if...' I HAVE sent feedback to
Microsoft about it, because I know it's beyond the scope of this group.
Once again, please send your feedback in (I'm tempted to post this
request as a separate thread-in the long run, it's equally important
to let Microsoft know, as I don't think they bother to monitor things
down here where it's all happening-though I've suggested that they

Elliott Roper

I KNOW that this is most likely beyond the scope of the program at the
moment. Obviously asking Word to remove extra paragraphs will change
formatting, but isn't it reasonable to expect that if I've produced a
180 page document with single spaces between words, that the document
be able to preserve that?

That was mystifying. I'd tentatively assume operator error if I may be
so bold. You *were* doing some 'beginner' work with find and replace.
It is very easy to add some spaces in the replace field.
Had, you for instance, an extra space after "nano " in the replace
field while trying to change all your Nano's to nano's over several
attempts while Word was helpfully keeping the capitalization for you,
that might have resulted in quite a few unwanted spaces to go with your
hair loss.

Anyway, you now know a simple way to fix 'em all up in one hit

<tone of voice = Columbo>
One more thing
you might try using character style "emphasis" rather than hand markup
of italic. It gives you better control over it all if you change your
Have to be careful here to point out that this is just a
suggestion-'wouldn't it be nice if...' I HAVE sent feedback to
Microsoft about it, because I know it's beyond the scope of this group.
Once again, please send your feedback in (I'm tempted to post this
request as a separate thread-in the long run, it's equally important
to let Microsoft know, as I don't think they bother to monitor things
down here where it's all happening-though I've suggested that they
After spending far too much of my life in software development, I can
tell you that developers love to get feedback from customers.
Especially when there is exactly one point per feedback report and when
it is tersely and precisely stated with an exact reproducible
demonstration of the bug.


Thank you, Elliot.
YES to operator error. It is IMPOSSIBLE to
offend me on that point. Main point of that last comment was PLEASE
SEND FEEDBACK-and I have started a thread: 'Please add Microsoft
Feedback to your bookmarks bar' (clumsy title, but I hope SOME people
will help me out and start to run with the ball).

Ritika Pathak [MSFT]

Hi Mack,

Thank you for participating in this newsgroup. We do read your posts.

We do appreciate your feedback. Please keep sending it so we can improve
Word by considering these suggestions for future Word releases.

Ritika Pathak

Mac Word Test
Macintosh Business Unit

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