Find and replace Drop-Down's on form


Chris Joyce


I've been tryting to find a way to find all drop-down form fields in a
document and change there format . based on the value entered ?

eg if the value is a 'tick' ( in windings) then leave it alone , but if its
value is '10' chen change the font to 'Times New Roman'

All the data has been entered on the form's so I can't use a onexit() macro



Hi Chris

I'm not aware of a collection being available for drop
downs, so you'll have to cycle through each form field
and then test it to see if it is a drop-down.

For example
Sub DropDownChange()
Dim lngfidx As Long
Dim fTest As DropDown

With ActiveDocument
For lngfidx = 1 To .FormFields.Count
Set fTest = .FormFields(lngfidx).DropDown
If fTest.Valid = True Then
'place your other logic here. For example:
'[If fTest.Value = 10 Then _] or;
'[If fTest.ListEntries(1).Name = "10" Then _]
.FormFields(lngfidx).Range.Font.Name _
= "Times New Roman"
End If
Next lngfidx
End With
End Sub

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