The hospital that I work for has our reports with templated headings where we are suppose to type text below the headings. Some headings are never used and I have had to just manually go up and down through the report and delete these.
I have not figured out an easy way in find or replace to do this. I notice if I "turn on" the view of the paragraph markings there is a little black "square" before each heading. What I'm trying to do is to "search" for all the headings that have "no" test typed below it and delete it. Am I in the right area of Word to do this with the "find and replace" or do I need to do this via another method. I can't figure out what I would put in the "find" part of the little black square and then for it to be able to only go to the headings that have "no" text below it and delete it. Is there a character equation for the "delete" function like there is for paragraph with the ^p?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The hospital that I work for has our reports with templated headings where we are suppose to type text below the headings. Some headings are never used and I have had to just manually go up and down through the report and delete these.
I have not figured out an easy way in find or replace to do this. I notice if I "turn on" the view of the paragraph markings there is a little black "square" before each heading. What I'm trying to do is to "search" for all the headings that have "no" test typed below it and delete it. Am I in the right area of Word to do this with the "find and replace" or do I need to do this via another method. I can't figure out what I would put in the "find" part of the little black square and then for it to be able to only go to the headings that have "no" text below it and delete it. Is there a character equation for the "delete" function like there is for paragraph with the ^p?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.