Find and Replace in mulitple tabs




I have a spreadsheet with at least 30 tabs. I need to make a change on just
one cell in each tab.

Is it possible to do a find and replace on a spreadsheet all at once and on
multiple tabs in the sheet, or am I limited to just one tab at a time?

It is just one change that I need to make and it's on the same cell and the
same change for the cell is to be made on each tab. (I need to change
10-399000-00-100 to 10-999999-00-100).




Try this: Right click on your worksheet tab. Click Select All Sheets.
Change the cell in question. With all worksheets selected, whatever you do
to one sheet will happen to all of the sheets - just be sure to unselect all
of the worksheets when you're done (either by clicking on another worksheet
tab, or right click and select ungroup sheets).

Alf Bryn

If you want a VB solution you could try:

Sub Macro1()
Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To Sheets.Count

Sheets(i).Range("A2").Value = "10-999999-00-100"

Next i
End Sub

But I think JMB's solution is the easiest.


Thanks, JMB!!! That worked perfectly!!!!!!!

JMB said:
Try this: Right click on your worksheet tab. Click Select All Sheets.
Change the cell in question. With all worksheets selected, whatever you do
to one sheet will happen to all of the sheets - just be sure to unselect all
of the worksheets when you're done (either by clicking on another worksheet
tab, or right click and select ungroup sheets).

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