CyberTaz said:
One option - You can probably do so if you combine an IF function with the
ISERROR function with your error-prone function nested within:
just a consideration:
In general it's better when designing spreadsheets to trap only the most
limiting error. In addition to #N/A, ISERROR() will return 0 for the
#VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM!, and #NAME errors. This could lead to
trouble if, say, the user inadvertently deleted the enough columns in
the lookup range to cause VLOOKUP to return a #REF! - the
IF(ISERROR(...),0,...) construction would return 0 for all further
calculations without any indication that there's an error.].
I'd recommend trapping only #NA, using:
Additionally, while computer and calculation speed have reduced the need
for efficiency, in a calculation intensive worksheet, I would use
MATCH() for the ISNA() test, since there's no reason to return the value
from the other column during the test:
where rng1 is the first column of rng.