Dean Slindee
On the Find and Replace dialog box, there is a checkbox at the bottom
labeled "Search Fields As Formatted". What is this supposed to do?
The reason I ask is two-fold:
1. I always tell my users to uncheck this box, because it invariably ruins
the search by returning no rows or hanging.
2. When unchecked, the same search works perfectly.
3. On a table with 370,000 rows, it always hangs. Then you get the option
to cancel the search which really means to terminate the host Access
application. Duh?, why cancel Access when only the search is hung?
Dean Slindee
labeled "Search Fields As Formatted". What is this supposed to do?
The reason I ask is two-fold:
1. I always tell my users to uncheck this box, because it invariably ruins
the search by returning no rows or hanging.
2. When unchecked, the same search works perfectly.
3. On a table with 370,000 rows, it always hangs. Then you get the option
to cancel the search which really means to terminate the host Access
application. Duh?, why cancel Access when only the search is hung?
Dean Slindee