find and replace with backspace



Hi everyone,

i have a macro that searches and replaces through the body of a document. In
some cases, I use ^p to insert a paragraph, but sometimes, what I need is to
insert a backspace. Is there a way to insert a backspace without using
Selection.TypeBackspace? I am looking for something like ^p for paragraph,
^l for lines...

Thanks, from Spain

Juan Magaña


Ok, I think I found a workaround: in those cases, instead of searching for
the text and replace it with a backspace, which I don´t know how to do, I
search for ^pTEXT and replace by "". It works.

Helmut Weber

Hi Juan,
Backspace is chr$(8).
Greetings from Bavaria, Germany
Helmut Weber
"red.sys" & chr$(64) & ""
Word 97, NT4.0


Hi Helmut,

How do you do a find/replace with the replacement being Chr(8) and having it
act as a real backspace?
If you do a regular find/replace, you end up with square in the document...
I was under the impression that Juan wanted do a "real backspace" in his
find/replce... I would like to know how you achieve that with the Chr(8)
ASCII code?


Helmut Weber

Hi Jean-Guy,
sorry to all of you,
didn't read the original posting carefully enough.
Thanks for correction.
Helmut Weber

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