Find and replace with superscripts



I have OCRed a document with volumes in "cubic centimetres" written as cm3
(the 3 being superscripted). My doc has got them all as "normal" cm3. How can
I set F&R to scan through the document and change all the incorrect occurence
to change to the properly formatted ones? I tried cutting and pasting the
proper format but that didn't seem to work

Thank you

Jerry Stratton

I have OCRed a document with volumes in "cubic centimetres" written as cm3
(the 3 being superscripted). My doc has got them all as "normal" cm3. How can
I set F&R to scan through the document and change all the incorrect occurence
to change to the properly formatted ones? I tried cutting and pasting the
proper format but that didn't seem to work

As far as I can tell (only a quick look, though) you can't replace with
differently-styled text. All the text you're going to replace with must
be the same style(s).

Here's what seemed to work for me; it assumes that you don't have any
'cm' that is supposed to be superscripted. If you do, you'll have to
modify the process.

Summary: Replace all occurences of 'cm3' with superscripted 'cm3'. Then
replace all occurences of superscripted 'cm' with default paragraph font

1. Go into the replace dialog, and click the arrow to bring down the
advanced options.

2. Put 'cm3' in both boxes. Yes, you're going to replace 'cm3' with

3. While the cursor is flashing in the 'replace' box, pull down the
'format' menu, choose 'font', and check 'superscript'.

4. Replace all. Now, all of your 'cm3's should be
superscripted--including the 'cm'.

5. Go back into the replace dialog. It should already be in advanced
options, but if not, click the arrow to get it there.

6. put 'cm' in the Find box. Pull down the 'format' menu, choose 'font',
and make sure that 'superscript' is checked. You're going to Find all
occurences of 'cm' that are superscripted.

7. put 'cm' in the Replace box. Pull down the 'format' menu, choose
'Style', and highlight 'Default Paragraph Font".

8. Replace all. Now, all of your 'cm's should be normal, and all of your
'3's following a cm should be superscripted.


Dayo Mitchell

There is a way if you need to F&R partial formatting--Manually format one
instance properly, select and copy it, then do a find and replace with the
Replace With set to Clipboard Contents (^c or in the Special menu).


Andreas Prilop

I have OCRed a document with volumes in "cubic centimetres" written as cm3
(the 3 being superscripted). My doc has got them all as "normal" cm3.

The superscripts ¹ ² ³ are not included in the MacRoman character set.
You can use only characters from MacRoman in MS Word.
How can
I set F&R to scan through the document and change all the incorrect occurence
to change to the properly formatted ones?

Replace "cm3" with "mL" (millilitre).

Andreas Prilop

Beth Rosengard said:
However it *is possible* to use Find & Replace to convert cm3 to
cm<superscripted>3 (Dayo's trick makes it very easy). So what exactly do
you mean?

I mean it's not necessary to bother with superscripts here since
you can equally well use millilitre (mL).

Dayo Mitchell

Not really my trick, picked it up on one of the PC word groups--would never
have noticed it myself, and am quite sure I distinctly remember going
through Jerry's procedure years ago to get around this problem.


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