Find and Replace



I have a question for you that probably you can help me solve it .

I want to find and highlight this string of texts (The correct answer is E,
and the others letters from A-E) in multiples occasions, I need to do that
with thousands of questions. Here is an example:

1) A 22-year-old sociologist returns from 6 months in Jamaica and notes a
6-pound weight loss during her 1st month back home. She reports that her
appetite is normal. She has developed symptoms of mild abdominal cramping and
bloating after meals and frequent greasy bowel movements. A physical
examination is consistent with evidence of recent weight loss, and her
abdominal examination is normal. A stool specimen is guaiac negative. There
are scattered ecchymoses on all four extremities. Laboratory results reveal
an albumin of 2.9 g/dL (normal >3.8 g/dL), an INR of 1.9, and normal liver
function tests. A trial of a gluten-free diet is attempted. There is no
change in symptoms over the subsequent 3 weeks, and she has an additional
4-pound weight loss. Stool cultures for enteric pathogens and ova and
parasites are negative on three occasions. Which of the following is the most
likely diagnosis?
A. Celiac sprue
B. Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli
C. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
D. Pancreatic insufficiency
E. Tropical sprue
The correct answer is
E. This patient presents with signs of malabsorption as described by her
loss of weight, frequent loose stools, and evidence of multiple vitamin
deficiency. She is also hypoalbuminemic and has just returned from a tropical
region. There are no risk factors or evidence, by history, for liver disease.
The hypoalbuminemia, ecchymosis, and INR are explained by the malabsorptive
process instead, which is consistent with a vitamin K deficiency. The
findings are consistent with a tropical sprue. These patients often develop a
B12 deficiency, as the terminal ileum is also affected more severely in the
proximal small bowel.

I want to cover the correct answer, in this case is E (the correct letter
choice is always under “the correct answer isâ€, it always appears in two
lines making selection and highlighting difficult. When I use the Find and
Replace from Microsoft word (2003), win XP, I can not find and highlight both
lines, just one, eg, “the correct choice isâ€. At this point I ask myself
weather there is a possibility doing that by using wildcards or something
else. I tried some of the variants but I didn’t work.
Do you have any idea?

Tony Jollans

I'm not sure I fully understand but try this as a "Find what" string:

The correct answer is ^l^?

This looks for the string "The correct answer is " (with a trailing space as
per your post) followed by a manual line break (again, as per your post but
it may be the case that the genuine article has a paragraph mark, in which
case use ^p instead of ^l) followed by any single character.

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