Find and Replace


Island Girl

Is there a way to find words in quotation marks and replace with the word
underlined but without the underline beneath the quotes?

Greg Maxey

Island Girl,

I thought I had a macro to do this, but I've searched and can't find it.
You can perform this function by doing two passes with Find and Replace.
First find "<*>" (with More>Wildcards checked) and replace with ^& (With
More>Format>Font>Underling). Next Find " with the underline format applied
and replace with " with no underline format applied.

Island Girl

Thanks, Greg. You're always helpful!

Greg Maxey said:
Island Girl,

I thought I had a macro to do this, but I've searched and can't find it.
You can perform this function by doing two passes with Find and Replace.
First find "<*>" (with More>Wildcards checked) and replace with ^& (With
More>Format>Font>Underling). Next Find " with the underline format applied
and replace with " with no underline format applied.

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