Find and Replace


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Well, actually backspace is a character in the sense that it has an ASCII
code (though I've forgotten what it is). I wonder if it would be possible to
enter it as an ASCII symbol.

Island Girl

To tell you the truth, it was an instance that occurred last week in which I
thought I needed a backspace in the Replace box and I made a note to ask you
wonderful people how to do it. To save my life, I can't think of what the
situation was right now--all I seem to remember now is the note to ask you.
I will look back over things and get back with you. You will probably be
able to show me another way. More later.


ASCII 8 (he says, consulting his DOS QBASIC handbook! -- glad I didn't throw
it away)

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Were you the one who was trying to get an AutoCorrect entry to back up after
replacing text?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Well, if I'd had time, I could have looked it up in an old printer manual,
too. <g>

Jay Freedman

Maybe I should have said that the backspace *function* is not a
character. Yes, there's a backspace character with ASCII value 8. If
you click to the right of a letter and type Alt+008, it will have the
same effect as pressing the backspace key, deleting the character to
the left. But if you try to use ^08 or ^008 in the Replace dialog, you
just get a "no glyph" square box in place of whatever was in the Find

If the intention is to delete the character to the left of the Find
expression, I think that can be done with a wildcard expression.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.

Island Girl

That was not I, Suzanne.

And I'm still trying to piece together the situation in which I thought I
needed a backspace. I do remember, though, that there was an automatic
number and tab involved in it somewhere.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

In case it helps, you don't have to have a tab after an automatic number:
Word gives you a choice of tab, space, or nothing.

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