Find "backward"



I feel "backward" having to ask so rudimentary a question. In WORD 2003 if I
want to search for a text string (aka "FIND") by going "up" or "from the
bottom" or "backward" or "toward home", how do I do that?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

In the Find dialog, you can Search All, Up, or Down (the selection is in the
expanded part of the dialog you get when you click More), but I generally
find it easier to hit Find Next once to enable the browse arrows (bottom of
the vertical scroll bar), which then become Next Find and Previous Find.


Thank you! I knew it would be simply once I found it! How many times I
overlooked that one little button you will never know!

By the way, I once asked if there was a keyboard comdination that would
allow one to move from text box to text box and I think that it was you said
"no". I have since upgraded to 2003 and discover that ALT+down arrow (or up
arrow) does it!

A secondary question would be: Why did my several thousand searches of HELP
not find this answer? I searched "Find", "Find Up", search text, etc etc.
Any thoughts?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

For whatever reason, you have to include "replace" in your search text in
order to find anything about Find at all, and the one article, though it
includes many helpful tips, does not, I think, say anything about direction.

BTW, Alt+Down and Alt+Up are assigned to NextObject and PrevObject. I would
have been inclined to think that this was a reference to the selected browse
object, but in fact apparently it does refer to AutoShapes (including text

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