Find character in a string



I am using Access 2002 SP 3, I am attempting to evaluate a string (a name
string with last name first, a comma then first name) to find where the first
space occurs and the length at which it occurs so I can write an expression
to extract each name independently of each other and populate a first name
and a last name field versus having the entire name in one field. I have done
this in the past but forgot just how I did it. Can anyone help me, please.


Look up the INSTR function in Access help.
Youll also need the LEFT, MID and RIGHT functions.
-- Dorian
"Give someone a fish and they eat for a day; teach someone to fish and they
eat for a lifetime".



Thank you, I was going the wrong way in the book (Started at Len) to try and
locate. I really appreciate your help

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