Find cost rate table information in PS 2007


Owe Evans


I need to find at which cost rate a resource is assigned to a task in a
project plan. I need to get to this value in a stored procedure.

Looking in Published database and at table MSP_Resources the standard rate
is readable from column RES_STD_RATE but the cost rate is in binary format in
column RES_RATES_TABLE. The relation between a assignment and cost rate table
in use is determined by looking at MSP_Assignments.Assn_Cost_Rate_Table

(In PS 2003 Cost Rates was stored in separate table and could be easily read)

Anyone having an idea how I can get to this data?


Stephen Sanderlin

Microsoft does not recommend that you look in the Published database --
please use the Reporting database.

The best way to get Rate information for Resources is through the PSI's
Resource web service. You would use the ReadResource() method, which
would return a ResourceDataSet. There will be a table, ResourceRates,
that will contain this information.

Stephen Sanderlin
Owner/Founder - EPMFAQ

EPM Solutions Architect / Principal Consultant - BT Professional

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Owe Evans

Thanks Stephen.

Yes, this is a way I have figured out. Since I need this information
available in T-SQL I will create a service extracting information from
Resource service once a day droping it to a table I can read from.



Do I have to loop through all the resources to get the information? Or can
you share the t-sql for me?

Owe Evans

Basically you retreive a dataset from Resource.asmx via ReadResources method.
This has one table called ResourceRates where you find the cost rates for

I dump this to a table with SclClient.SqlBulkCopy. The table columns
matchning columns in ResourceRates data table.

If you are interested in getting the cost rate for a particular resource in
..Net code you will have to loop through or use FindBy against the dataset.


I have done that but I get nothing in the ResourceRates table of the dataset.
I have doubled checked with Project Pro and I have users with multiple cost
rates table but nothing in the dataset. Can someone help me?

Owe Evans

This is the syntax I use:
resSvc.ReadResources(String.Empty , false)

When hitting a breakpoint at this row in code I use the "hourglass" to see
the data in the dataset. It is filled fine. Do not know why yours is not.


I do not know why it is not populating. I can loop through the resources but
for that table there are no records. Do I have to use the resource on a task
with the different cost rates for it to populate the cost rates table?

Owe Evans

I don't know eighter ...

Most of my resources have only Cost Rate Table A in ResourceRates table.
Some have several tables (A, B, C) and only table A has a standard rate
other than 0.

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