Find Date and Paste Data



I have two worksheets. One is called Calendar and the other is called Ghost.
Calendar is a sheet with dates in Columns B-H and J-P (1 week each). The
first dates are in row 4, but after that the rows with the dates appear in
different intervals. Ghost is a hidden sheet I populate with data from
another sheet. In Ghost Column C is dates and column F is data I want to
display on Calendar.

What I would like to happen is when information is added to Ghost the code
will go to the calendar find the associated date on the calendar that matches
the Ghost data and date and put the data in the first empty cell underneath
the date on Calendar. Advance warning I am not an expert on VB so please be
gentle. Thank you.


when information is added to Ghost the code

This is too ambiguous to work from. What infromation? What do you want to
specifically trigger the macro to copy data in column F of Ghost to the cell
below the corresponding date in Calendar? Are both the date in column C and
the data in column F of Ghost entered by the user, or is one of these
columns preset?

I was half way through the macro when it dawned on me that either or both
columns in Ghost might be changed and there is not way of knowing which
would occur first, therefor, if a worksheet change event was used to execute
the macro, it might copy a blank cell if the wrong column had data entered
first. If only one column will have an entry made, then we can make a
pretty simple macro to fix the problem.


The "information" copied is in Col A - Col C. Col A is a list of item
numbers. Col B is a list of names. Col C is the dates. This information is
automatically populated from other sheets or at least will be copied from
them in the Col A-C format. I do a little reformatting of the information
input into Ghost to get Col F [=E3&" - "&A3].
Column E is initials determined via the formula

So I am only using Col C and F from ghost but there are other things going
on. Once entered in the sheet they will not be changed unless there is a
user entry error in which case care would be taken to correct. And it will
be possible for multiple entrees to occur on the same day.
Ghost will be a hidden sheet eventually; I am using it as a go between.

Im not sure what the best method for starting the macro would be. I dont
want to duplicate the information on the Calendar, so I guess a button on the
Calendar or an execute upon exit cell command? I hope that didn't complicate
things too much.

Thanks for the response.


Here is some info on Index/Match:

Here is some VBA code doing essentially the same thing as that from above:

This will give you the first empty cell underneath the date on Calendar.

Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

This assumes the date is in Column A; it probably isn't in column A, so just
change it to suit your needs. As for the rest, too vague for me to know what
to do for sure. Maybe you can post back with some more details...



First thank you for the response. Now I will try to clarify and I'm sorry
about the length of my response

I have a workbook with three spreadsheets that is getting to large to manage
and I would like to automate it as much as possible. I have been tinkering
with this for a while with no success. I am not a very good programmer, so
any response please be gentle.

Worksheet #1 (Called Tracker)
This worksheet has data entered in a list (Excel 2003). The headers are in
row 2 and the data starts in row 3 column A. I am only interested in the
data in the first three columns A, B, & C.
Column A Data
These cells are numbers

Column B Data
These cells are peoples names

Column C Data
These cells are dates (mm/dd/yyyy)

Worksheet #2 (Called Calendar)
This worksheet is set up as a calendar and ultimately where I want to
populate the data from Tracker. The dates are in columns B-H and J-P
(Sun-Sat with a space column in the middle). They are not in any particular
row, but they start in row #4. After row #4 the dates appear in no
particular order with respect to what row they are in next. The dates do
whoever appear in a rows that span both weeks.

Worksheet #3 (Called Ghost)
This sheet I copied the first 900 rows of Col A-C of Tracker and pasted it
in A3. This makes it so as the Tracker sheet has new rows added the Ghost
sheet is “updatedâ€, I picked 900 because I won’t ever exceed that many row
entrees in a single year. On this sheet I manipulate some of the information
in columns in A-C.

Column E (Initials)
This column changes the value in column B to initials established in
K$4:K$15 there are 13 names in all. (hence the Index instead of IF


Column F (Combined Info)
This column combines column A and column E following this formula

=E3&" - "&A3
So the cells look like BA - 01-004-09

Now what I want to do is take data from Ghost and populate Calendar with it.
I want to take the cells in column C (Date) and use that to move the cells
in column F (Combined Info) of Ghost to populate the next empty cell under
the cell containing the same date in Calendar.

So I want to take data from Tracker to Ghost, change the data within ghost,
then take the data from Ghost and move it to the corresponding date in

All this moving from Tracker to Ghost is making my file size rather large I
think and I would like to automate it if possible as currently it is simply a
copy paste job of cell references. I think the size is coming from the
duplication of information occurring.


Well, if I understand how your Ghost sheet is updated, you can put this macro
behind the sheet and when you update columns A - C for a given line, it will
automaitcally put the value in column F of Ghost into the
cell beneath the corresponding date in Calendar. To install the code, right
click the name tab on Sheets("Ghost"), then click "View Code" in the drop
down menu. Copy the code below and paste it into the code window. It tested
OK, but if you have problems, post back.

Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
lr = Sheets("Ghost").Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
If Not Intersect(Range("C1:C" & lr), Target) _
Is Nothing Then
Set dtRng = Sheets("Ghost").Range("C" & Target.Row)
Set fRng = Sheets("Calendar").Cells _
.Find(dtRng.Value, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not fRng Is Nothing Then
fRng.Offset(1, 0) = dtRng.Offset(0, 3).Value
End If
End If
End Sub

AUCP03 said:
The "information" copied is in Col A - Col C. Col A is a list of item
numbers. Col B is a list of names. Col C is the dates. This information is
automatically populated from other sheets or at least will be copied from
them in the Col A-C format. I do a little reformatting of the information
input into Ghost to get Col F [=E3&" - "&A3].
Column E is initials determined via the formula

So I am only using Col C and F from ghost but there are other things going
on. Once entered in the sheet they will not be changed unless there is a
user entry error in which case care would be taken to correct. And it will
be possible for multiple entrees to occur on the same day.
Ghost will be a hidden sheet eventually; I am using it as a go between.

Im not sure what the best method for starting the macro would be. I dont
want to duplicate the information on the Calendar, so I guess a button on the
Calendar or an execute upon exit cell command? I hope that didn't complicate
things too much.

Thanks for the response.
JLGWhiz said:
when information is added to Ghost the code

This is too ambiguous to work from. What infromation? What do you want to
specifically trigger the macro to copy data in column F of Ghost to the cell
below the corresponding date in Calendar? Are both the date in column C and
the data in column F of Ghost entered by the user, or is one of these
columns preset?

I was half way through the macro when it dawned on me that either or both
columns in Ghost might be changed and there is not way of knowing which
would occur first, therefor, if a worksheet change event was used to execute
the macro, it might copy a blank cell if the wrong column had data entered
first. If only one column will have an entry made, then we can make a
pretty simple macro to fix the problem.


JLGWhiz Thank you for the response. The Ghost sheet is updated when I click
save. The columns A-C are simply "=" the sheet they refer to, so when I add
data to the sheet called Tracker and click save the "=" on Ghost are updated
to whatever I input manually into Tracker. I wasn't very clear on that point
in my response to ryguy7272. If you read my response to his post it is a
good bit more detailed in what I am trying to do.

I have worked with the code you provided and have had no luck at getting it
to run. I do appreciate your help greatly. Thank you.

JLGWhiz said:
Well, if I understand how your Ghost sheet is updated, you can put this macro
behind the sheet and when you update columns A - C for a given line, it will
automaitcally put the value in column F of Ghost into the
cell beneath the corresponding date in Calendar. To install the code, right
click the name tab on Sheets("Ghost"), then click "View Code" in the drop
down menu. Copy the code below and paste it into the code window. It tested
OK, but if you have problems, post back.

Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
lr = Sheets("Ghost").Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
If Not Intersect(Range("C1:C" & lr), Target) _
Is Nothing Then
Set dtRng = Sheets("Ghost").Range("C" & Target.Row)
Set fRng = Sheets("Calendar").Cells _
.Find(dtRng.Value, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not fRng Is Nothing Then
fRng.Offset(1, 0) = dtRng.Offset(0, 3).Value
End If
End If
End Sub

AUCP03 said:
The "information" copied is in Col A - Col C. Col A is a list of item
numbers. Col B is a list of names. Col C is the dates. This information is
automatically populated from other sheets or at least will be copied from
them in the Col A-C format. I do a little reformatting of the information
input into Ghost to get Col F [=E3&" - "&A3].
Column E is initials determined via the formula

So I am only using Col C and F from ghost but there are other things going
on. Once entered in the sheet they will not be changed unless there is a
user entry error in which case care would be taken to correct. And it will
be possible for multiple entrees to occur on the same day.
Ghost will be a hidden sheet eventually; I am using it as a go between.

Im not sure what the best method for starting the macro would be. I dont
want to duplicate the information on the Calendar, so I guess a button on the
Calendar or an execute upon exit cell command? I hope that didn't complicate
things too much.

Thanks for the response.
JLGWhiz said:
when information is added to Ghost the code

This is too ambiguous to work from. What infromation? What do you want to
specifically trigger the macro to copy data in column F of Ghost to the cell
below the corresponding date in Calendar? Are both the date in column C and
the data in column F of Ghost entered by the user, or is one of these
columns preset?

I was half way through the macro when it dawned on me that either or both
columns in Ghost might be changed and there is not way of knowing which
would occur first, therefor, if a worksheet change event was used to execute
the macro, it might copy a blank cell if the wrong column had data entered
first. If only one column will have an entry made, then we can make a
pretty simple macro to fix the problem.

I have two worksheets. One is called Calendar and the other is called
Calendar is a sheet with dates in Columns B-H and J-P (1 week each). The
first dates are in row 4, but after that the rows with the dates appear in
different intervals. Ghost is a hidden sheet I populate with data from
another sheet. In Ghost Column C is dates and column F is data I want to
display on Calendar.

What I would like to happen is when information is added to Ghost the code
will go to the calendar find the associated date on the calendar that
the Ghost data and date and put the data in the first empty cell
the date on Calendar. Advance warning I am not an expert on VB so please
gentle. Thank you.

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