Find Dates/Days in various MS applications



Question someone please answer the best way to accomplish
the followoing and also how to do it.

To figure out which day of the week is February 29, 2008.
What do you reach for first? Outlook, MS Project, Excel?
Similar question looking for the year when February 29 is
a Tuesday? Explain

Steve House

Outlook's calendar goes out to year 9999 so I'd open Outlook and switch to
the calendar, use the Go menu to GoToDate and jump to the date of interest.
As for what year 29 Feb is on a Tuesday, haven't a clue on that one.


Whether or not it is the best way is probably debatable depending who
you ask but I would probably use a simple VBA macro in Project. However,
there probably isn't any reason why a VBA macro in Excel or Outlook
couldn't also be used, I'm just more familiar with Project's object

Perhaps a good argument for using VBA with Project is that being a
schedule application, Project has several objects that deal with dates,
days of week, etc. Do I have a piece of code that would answer both of
your questions directly? No, I'd have to work it up but it would be
pretty straightforward.


Rob Schneider

Assuming this is an adhoc question, I would reach for Outlook. Failing
that, would look for a paper calendar in my desk drawer. Failing that
would reach for Excel and dig through the function library to find
appropriate functions to call, e.g. see weekday(). That function can be
used to answer both questions.

If this were something that needed to be automated in something, I would
look in the coding infrastructure for that "something", e.g.
Excel/Project macros for similiar functions, or in the programming
language that is appropriate for that "something".

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.



personally i'ld use excel (as i've always got it open anyway) and as you can
fill down years & format to show what day of the week each is
in cells A1 & A2 i'ld type

(because i'm in australia)
then i'ld right mouse click - choose format / cells - under custom add "ddd"
to the front of the format
this will give me
Fri 29/02/2008
Wed 29/02/2012

then i'ld close that, select both of the cells and fill down (bottom right
hand corner)
this will tell me that Feb 29, 2028 is a tuesday.



I'm with Julie. Excel is simple for this sort of date math. Project is less



Hi Julie,

thank you for the information. I do not have ddd on my
custon in Excel. Any suggestions?



You don't need it in the list.
Type it in the box (Labeled "Type) that is just above the list of formats
you do have.
You can create any format you want.


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