find duplicate data in diffrent column


Malik Nadeem

i wanna know how to find those cell in a worksheet which are same for example

columnA columnB
1 9
3 2
2 8
4 7
5 6
6 5
7 4

need answer in following condition

following are maching with others
columA columnB
2 2
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7

and these are no mach or diffrent with others
1 8
3 9

hope every think is clear if you need further please feel free to ask
basicaly it is my big problem i m losting my lot of time bcz of this manual
serching... >Malik Nadeem


Here's one interp and a play to try ..

Sample construct available at:
Compare 2 numbers col n Extr match n unmatch in ascend ord.xls

Assuming source data are numbers in cols A and B,
from row1 down to a max expected row10 (say)

In C1:
In D1:
In E1:
In F1:

Then place in:
In G1: =IF(A1="","",IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(A1,B:B,0)),"",A1+ROW()/10^10))
In H1: =IF(A1="","",IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(A1,B:B,0)),A1+ROW()/10^10,""))
In I1: =IF(B1="","",IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(B1,A:A,0)),"",B1+ROW()/10^10))
In J1: =IF(B1="","",IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(B1,A:A,0)),B1+ROW()/10^10,""))

Select C1:J1, fill down to J10
(cover the max expected extent of data in cols A and B)

Col C returns an ascending sort of the numbers in col A found in col B
Col D returns an ascending sort of the numbers in col B found in col A

Col E returns an ascending sort of the numbers in col A not found in col B
Col F returns an ascending sort of the numbers in col B not found in col A

Cols G to J are corresponding criteria cols
with arb tie-breakers for extracting in ascending sort order

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