normankong via OfficeKB.com
I require a add-in in outloot which can be executed at any time while a email
is open. The Add-in will search for a particular set of characters example "
==" and highlite the entire line with say yellow and replace the " ==" with
say " **".
Does anyone know where I can get a addin that can do the above.
== December 04 2006
addin will change the "==" to "**" and highlight the entire line yellow
** December 04 2006 (<<<<<yellow highlight)
Thanking you in advance
I require a add-in in outloot which can be executed at any time while a email
is open. The Add-in will search for a particular set of characters example "
==" and highlite the entire line with say yellow and replace the " ==" with
say " **".
Does anyone know where I can get a addin that can do the above.
== December 04 2006
addin will change the "==" to "**" and highlight the entire line yellow
** December 04 2006 (<<<<<yellow highlight)
Thanking you in advance