Find every 2 col's: SUMPRODUCT, AVERAGE..



(070815) Find every 2 col's: SUMPRODUCT, AVERAGE..

Hi, I have an example for sumproduct, finding product for each 2 columns in
for sumproduct, have example that works. if someone can tell what double
negs: "--" are for / how works with divisor / sometimes use "=" instead of
">".. so can figure them out.. thanks

example sumproduct that works:


PROBLEM: Is there a way to find the average of just the 1st column, to the
rest of the 1st columns, trying (guesse gets average of all columns?):


- using sumproduct, used ">" sign, sum used: "=" sign.
- array is AO:BH

am trying to Average every-other column only.. where array starts with AO
to BH (not sure if that matters), but e.g. numbers colums 1 2 3 4:


want to Average: .0599 & .0539, and: 4000 & 53500 separately. thanks.


With data starting in AO:


..0599 & .0539 etc



4000 & 53500 etc


hi, thanks for the reply. I gave that a try but saw same error in both cells:

not sure if you were one helped me before with this type of problem: double
column & range /

I had been trying to word them out to see the mehcanics of what is
happening, so can fix myself; curious what the double neg "--" does in
examples, and how the divisor is affecting formula as well. not sure what is
not working with this one either. thanks.


Worked fine more me (as did the previous posting by Bob Phillips) BUT what I
didn't say was enter with Ctrl+Shift+Enter!

the --- converts a TRUE/FALSE to 1/0.


ouch, sorry missed that step, thanks.

Toppers said:
Worked fine more me (as did the previous posting by Bob Phillips) BUT what I
didn't say was enter with Ctrl+Shift+Enter!

the --- converts a TRUE/FALSE to 1/0.

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