I'm trying to get a list of every orrurance when comparing a Column value (A,
B, C) to a Row Heading (2006, 2007, 2008)
Col A
Row 1 (Col B-D) 2006 2007 2008
On a separate Work sheet I'd like to get 2 columns - all possible occurances
A 2006
A 2007
A 2008
B 2006
B 2007
B 2008
C 2006
C 2007
C 2008
I can do this in Access by just pulling 2 tables of data (A,B,C) and (2006,
2007, 2008) into a query and just not linking the tables. Don;t know how to
do this in ExceL
B, C) to a Row Heading (2006, 2007, 2008)
Col A
Row 1 (Col B-D) 2006 2007 2008
On a separate Work sheet I'd like to get 2 columns - all possible occurances
A 2006
A 2007
A 2008
B 2006
B 2007
B 2008
C 2006
C 2007
C 2008
I can do this in Access by just pulling 2 tables of data (A,B,C) and (2006,
2007, 2008) into a query and just not linking the tables. Don;t know how to
do this in ExceL