Find Exact Match using INDEX, MATCH



Excel 2007.
I have two worksheets named "Open 1st Go" & "Open 2nd Go". The first
worksheet contains Column A (Rider), Column B (Horse), Column C (1st Go
Time), Column D (2nd Go Time), and Column E (Average Time). The second
worksheet contains Column A (Rider), Column B (Horse), and Column C (2nd Go

I need to match the rider/horse from the 1st go sheet exactly to the
rider/horse on the 2nd go worksheet (as some riders ride more than one horse
and therefore would have a different time) and bring back their 2nd go time
into Column D. This is the formula that I used, but it only matches the
rider, not the combination of rider/horse, and brings back only the one time
not distinguishing between different horse names.

=INDEX('OPEN 2ND GO'!$A$1:$C$34, MATCH(A2,'OPEN 2ND GO'!$A$1:$A$34,),
MATCH("TIME",'OPEN 2ND GO'!$A$1:$C$1,))


DoubleUU said:
Excel 2007.
I have two worksheets named "Open 1st Go" & "Open 2nd Go". The first
worksheet contains Column A (Rider), Column B (Horse), Column C (1st Go
Time), Column D (2nd Go Time), and Column E (Average Time). The second
worksheet contains Column A (Rider), Column B (Horse), and Column C (2nd Go

I need to match the rider/horse from the 1st go sheet exactly to the
rider/horse on the 2nd go worksheet (as some riders ride more than one horse
and therefore would have a different time) and bring back their 2nd go time
into Column D. This is the formula that I used, but it only matches the
rider, not the combination of rider/horse, and brings back only the one time
not distinguishing between different horse names.

=INDEX('OPEN 2ND GO'!$A$1:$C$34, MATCH(A2,'OPEN 2ND GO'!$A$1:$A$34,),
MATCH("TIME",'OPEN 2ND GO'!$A$1:$C$1,))

Here's one way. This is an array formula (complete by pressing Ctrl +
Shift + Enter):

=INDEX('Open 2nd Go'!$A$1:$C$34,MATCH(1,('Open 1st Go'!A2='Open 2nd
Go'!$A$1:$A$34)*('Open 1st Go'!B2='Open 2nd Go'!$B$1:$B$34),0),3)

Here's another way. It's not an array formula, and I find a little
easier to follow. This assumes there are no duplicate horse+rider
combinations on 'Open 2nd Go':

=SUMPRODUCT(--('Open 1st Go'!A5='Open 2nd Go'!$A$1:$A$34),--('Open 1st
Go'!B5='Open 2nd Go'!$B$1:$B$34),('Open 2nd Go'!$C$1:$C$34))


smartin said:
Here's one way. This is an array formula (complete by pressing Ctrl +
Shift + Enter):

=INDEX('Open 2nd Go'!$A$1:$C$34,MATCH(1,('Open 1st Go'!A2='Open 2nd
Go'!$A$1:$A$34)*('Open 1st Go'!B2='Open 2nd Go'!$B$1:$B$34),0),3)

Here's another way. It's not an array formula, and I find a little
easier to follow. This assumes there are no duplicate horse+rider
combinations on 'Open 2nd Go':

Oops, that second formula should have been as follows for cell D2:

=SUMPRODUCT(--('Open 1st Go'!A2='Open 2nd Go'!$A$1:$A$34),--('Open 1st
Go'!B2='Open 2nd Go'!$B$1:$B$34),('Open 2nd Go'!$C$1:$C$34))


You are a life saver! Thank you so much for taking the time to help me - I
struggled for weeks on this formula!

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