I'm trying to figure out how to use entries entered into a userform to
perform a find, then prompt the user to delete the row. If yes, then
delete if no, find the next match. Here's the code I have so far:
Private Sub cmdFindDel_Click()
Sheets("Event Request Master List").Select
Dim RowIndex As Integer
Dim chkEventDate As Date
Dim chkReqDate As Date
Dim chkRequestor As String
Dim FindEventDate As String
Dim FindReqDate As String
Dim FindRequestor As String
Dim FindDept As String
Dim FindTeams As String
Dim FindStartTime As String
Dim FindEndTime As String
Dim FindDescrip As String
Dim FindEnvir As String
Dim FindApps As String
Dim FindCMR As String
RowIndex = 2
chkEventDate = Format(Me.txtEventDate.Value, "mm/dd/yy")
chkReqDate = Format(Me.txtReqDate.Value, "mm/dd/yy")
chkRequestor = Me.txtRequestor.Value
If chkEventDate = "12:00:00 AM" Then
MsgBox "Please enter the Event Date.", vbOKOnly
ElseIf chkReqDate = "12:00:00 AM" Then
MsgBox "Please enter the Requested Date.", vbOKOnly
ElseIf chkRequestor = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter the Requestor name.", vbOKOnly
End If
Do Until Range("A" & RowIndex).Value = ""
If Format(Range("a" & RowIndex).Value, "mm/dd/yy") = chkEventDate
If Format(Range("b" & RowIndex).Value, "mm/dd/yy") = chkReqDate
If Range("c" & RowIndex).Value = chkRequestor Then
'populate the form with the data
Me.txtFindEventDate.Text = Range("A" & RowIndex).Value
Me.txtFindReqDate.Text = Range("B" & RowIndex).Value
Me.txtFindRequestor.Text = Range("C" & RowIndex).Value
Me.txtFindDept.Text = Range("D" & RowIndex).Value
Me.txtFindTeams.Text = Range("E" & RowIndex).Value
Me.txtFindStartTime.Text = Range("F" & RowIndex).Value
Me.txtFindEndTime.Text = Range("G" & RowIndex).Value
Me.txtFindDescrip.Text = Range("H" & RowIndex).Value
Me.txtFindEnvir.Text = Range("I" & RowIndex).Value
Me.txtFindApps.Text = Range("J" & RowIndex).Value
Me.txtCMR.Text = Range("K" & RowIndex).Value
Range("A" & RowIndex).Select
Exit Sub
End If
RowIndex = RowIndex + 1
End If
RowIndex = RowIndex + 1
End If
End Sub
The code finds the first entry and populates the userform just fine,
but I can't figure out how to find the next match if the user doesn't
want to delete the first match....????
perform a find, then prompt the user to delete the row. If yes, then
delete if no, find the next match. Here's the code I have so far:
Private Sub cmdFindDel_Click()
Sheets("Event Request Master List").Select
Dim RowIndex As Integer
Dim chkEventDate As Date
Dim chkReqDate As Date
Dim chkRequestor As String
Dim FindEventDate As String
Dim FindReqDate As String
Dim FindRequestor As String
Dim FindDept As String
Dim FindTeams As String
Dim FindStartTime As String
Dim FindEndTime As String
Dim FindDescrip As String
Dim FindEnvir As String
Dim FindApps As String
Dim FindCMR As String
RowIndex = 2
chkEventDate = Format(Me.txtEventDate.Value, "mm/dd/yy")
chkReqDate = Format(Me.txtReqDate.Value, "mm/dd/yy")
chkRequestor = Me.txtRequestor.Value
If chkEventDate = "12:00:00 AM" Then
MsgBox "Please enter the Event Date.", vbOKOnly
ElseIf chkReqDate = "12:00:00 AM" Then
MsgBox "Please enter the Requested Date.", vbOKOnly
ElseIf chkRequestor = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter the Requestor name.", vbOKOnly
End If
Do Until Range("A" & RowIndex).Value = ""
If Format(Range("a" & RowIndex).Value, "mm/dd/yy") = chkEventDate
If Format(Range("b" & RowIndex).Value, "mm/dd/yy") = chkReqDate
If Range("c" & RowIndex).Value = chkRequestor Then
'populate the form with the data
Me.txtFindEventDate.Text = Range("A" & RowIndex).Value
Me.txtFindReqDate.Text = Range("B" & RowIndex).Value
Me.txtFindRequestor.Text = Range("C" & RowIndex).Value
Me.txtFindDept.Text = Range("D" & RowIndex).Value
Me.txtFindTeams.Text = Range("E" & RowIndex).Value
Me.txtFindStartTime.Text = Range("F" & RowIndex).Value
Me.txtFindEndTime.Text = Range("G" & RowIndex).Value
Me.txtFindDescrip.Text = Range("H" & RowIndex).Value
Me.txtFindEnvir.Text = Range("I" & RowIndex).Value
Me.txtFindApps.Text = Range("J" & RowIndex).Value
Me.txtCMR.Text = Range("K" & RowIndex).Value
Range("A" & RowIndex).Select
Exit Sub
End If
RowIndex = RowIndex + 1
End If
RowIndex = RowIndex + 1
End If
End Sub
The code finds the first entry and populates the userform just fine,
but I can't figure out how to find the next match if the user doesn't
want to delete the first match....????