Im Trying to search for something on another sheet and copy it over to the
search sheet as the search results.
For the search id like it to return anything that has for example the word
"test" in it
so if i put "Test" in the search box i want it to recongnize things like
"Testing1", "initial Tests", "Test Name 1". ect..
if it has "test" anywhere in the cell i want it to return.
this only dose exact maches. any idea how i can get it to do this?
Sub clickSearch()
Dim Row As Integer
Dim Col As Integer
Dim RowCopy As Integer
Dim ColCopy As Integer
Dim Copy As Integer
Dim CopyCellA As String
Dim CopyCellB As String
Dim CopyCellC As String
Dim SearchFor
Dim ClrRg
'Clears the search results fields
Set ClrRg = Union(Range("A2:A1000"), Range("B2:B1000"), Range("C2:C1000"))
'States what you are searching for (via the search box)
SearchFor = Cells(4, 6)
Copy = 1
RowCopy = 1
ColCopy = 1
Row = 2
Col = 1
'Clears any copied infromation
CopyCellA = ""
CopyCellB = ""
CopyCellC = ""
'Checks the cell for the search information, then checks the collum it is
currently in to copy and pase the correct information
If Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col) Like SearchFor Then
If Col = 1 Then
CopyCellA = Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col)
CopyCellB = Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col + 1)
CopyCellC = Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col + 2)
If Col = 2 Then
CopyCellA = Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col - 1)
CopyCellB = Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col)
CopyCellC = Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col + 1)
If Col = 3 Then
CopyCellA = Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col
- 2)
CopyCellB = Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col
- 1)
CopyCellC = Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col)
End If
End If
End If
If Col = 1 Then
Sheets("Search").Cells(RowCopy + Copy, Col) = CopyCellA
Sheets("Search").Cells(RowCopy + Copy, Col + 1) = CopyCellB
Sheets("Search").Cells(RowCopy + Copy, Col + 2) = CopyCellC
If Col = 2 Then
Sheets("Search").Cells(RowCopy + Copy, Col - 1) = CopyCellA
Sheets("Search").Cells(RowCopy + Copy, Col) = CopyCellB
Sheets("Search").Cells(RowCopy + Copy, Col + 1) = CopyCellC
If Col = 3 Then
Sheets("Search").Cells(RowCopy + Copy, Col - 2) =
Sheets("Search").Cells(RowCopy + Copy, Col - 1) =
Sheets("Search").Cells(RowCopy + Copy, Col) = CopyCellC
End If
End If
End If
'Moves to the next Row
Copy = Copy + 1
Row = 1 + Row
GoTo RunColA
Row = 1 + Row
'Checks to see if it has searched all fields in that collum, if so resets
rows and moved to the next collum
If Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col) = "" Or
IsNull(Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col)) Then
Col = 1 + Col
Row = 2
If Col = 4 Then
GoTo Endsub
GoTo RunColA
End If
GoTo RunColA
End If
End If
End Sub
The Code copys everything ok with a exact match in the search.
also for some reason the search is case sensitve.
i am told i need to use the find function here not sure how to implament it.
i looked the function up but commin from Access VBA its cryptic to me.
i Know where it needs to go but im not sure how it works and what i need to
goes here:
\ If Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col) Like SearchFor Then \
search sheet as the search results.
For the search id like it to return anything that has for example the word
"test" in it
so if i put "Test" in the search box i want it to recongnize things like
"Testing1", "initial Tests", "Test Name 1". ect..
if it has "test" anywhere in the cell i want it to return.
this only dose exact maches. any idea how i can get it to do this?
Sub clickSearch()
Dim Row As Integer
Dim Col As Integer
Dim RowCopy As Integer
Dim ColCopy As Integer
Dim Copy As Integer
Dim CopyCellA As String
Dim CopyCellB As String
Dim CopyCellC As String
Dim SearchFor
Dim ClrRg
'Clears the search results fields
Set ClrRg = Union(Range("A2:A1000"), Range("B2:B1000"), Range("C2:C1000"))
'States what you are searching for (via the search box)
SearchFor = Cells(4, 6)
Copy = 1
RowCopy = 1
ColCopy = 1
Row = 2
Col = 1
'Clears any copied infromation
CopyCellA = ""
CopyCellB = ""
CopyCellC = ""
'Checks the cell for the search information, then checks the collum it is
currently in to copy and pase the correct information
If Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col) Like SearchFor Then
If Col = 1 Then
CopyCellA = Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col)
CopyCellB = Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col + 1)
CopyCellC = Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col + 2)
If Col = 2 Then
CopyCellA = Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col - 1)
CopyCellB = Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col)
CopyCellC = Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col + 1)
If Col = 3 Then
CopyCellA = Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col
- 2)
CopyCellB = Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col
- 1)
CopyCellC = Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col)
End If
End If
End If
If Col = 1 Then
Sheets("Search").Cells(RowCopy + Copy, Col) = CopyCellA
Sheets("Search").Cells(RowCopy + Copy, Col + 1) = CopyCellB
Sheets("Search").Cells(RowCopy + Copy, Col + 2) = CopyCellC
If Col = 2 Then
Sheets("Search").Cells(RowCopy + Copy, Col - 1) = CopyCellA
Sheets("Search").Cells(RowCopy + Copy, Col) = CopyCellB
Sheets("Search").Cells(RowCopy + Copy, Col + 1) = CopyCellC
If Col = 3 Then
Sheets("Search").Cells(RowCopy + Copy, Col - 2) =
Sheets("Search").Cells(RowCopy + Copy, Col - 1) =
Sheets("Search").Cells(RowCopy + Copy, Col) = CopyCellC
End If
End If
End If
'Moves to the next Row
Copy = Copy + 1
Row = 1 + Row
GoTo RunColA
Row = 1 + Row
'Checks to see if it has searched all fields in that collum, if so resets
rows and moved to the next collum
If Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col) = "" Or
IsNull(Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col)) Then
Col = 1 + Col
Row = 2
If Col = 4 Then
GoTo Endsub
GoTo RunColA
End If
GoTo RunColA
End If
End If
End Sub
The Code copys everything ok with a exact match in the search.
also for some reason the search is case sensitve.
i am told i need to use the find function here not sure how to implament it.
i looked the function up but commin from Access VBA its cryptic to me.
i Know where it needs to go but im not sure how it works and what i need to
goes here:
\ If Sheets("ImmageLocations").Cells(Row, Col) Like SearchFor Then \