Excel 2k WinXP
I have tried the following but it returns $V$1:$V$3 when it should be
$V$3:$V$21 for this particular range.
Set PBVacRng = Sheet4.Range("V3:V" & Cells(Rows.Count,
However it works with this sheet but the format is set to custom m/d/yyyy;@
but it will not function correctly even if I change the format on the sheet
in question
Set HolidayRng = Sheet17.Range("A3:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row)
I know that with Application.Match You have to specify CDate, do you have to
do the same when specifying a range and if so, would you be kind enough to
show me how? Thanks in advance.
I have tried the following but it returns $V$1:$V$3 when it should be
$V$3:$V$21 for this particular range.
Set PBVacRng = Sheet4.Range("V3:V" & Cells(Rows.Count,
However it works with this sheet but the format is set to custom m/d/yyyy;@
but it will not function correctly even if I change the format on the sheet
in question
Set HolidayRng = Sheet17.Range("A3:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row)
I know that with Application.Match You have to specify CDate, do you have to
do the same when specifying a range and if so, would you be kind enough to
show me how? Thanks in advance.