Find Left$




I'm changing some existing code which reads

Set rngFound = .Find(What:=theString, after:=.Range("A1"),
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, searchorder:=xlByColumns,
searchdirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False, matchbyte:=False)

This finds *theString* but what I want it to look at are the
first 2 characters only e.g. "40*" and select only those. ( The
asterisk doesn't work as in an Access query, either)

Is this possible, or is a completely different method needed?
Thanks - Kirk


.Find(What:= LEFT$( theString ,2)

Yes, although that finds every instance of the two characters, not
just cells that start with them. I could filter and fix the result
somehow but maybe there is another way?

Thanks - Kirk

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