Find Maximum date



I have the followinig three columns

Index DateFrom DateTo
1 28 Apr 04 28 Sep 04
2 28 Sep 04 28 Jan 05
3 28 Sep 04 29 Mar 05
4 29 Mar 05 28 Jul 05
5 28 Jul 05 30 Jun 06

I want to obtain the MAX date in the DateTo column that is nearest to 1 Jan
05 which value resides in cell A1. This value is the result of another
INDEX/MATCH formula. I have used the following formula (array Ctrl+Shift)
obtained from this Discussion Group


The result I get is 28 Sep 04 Index 1, whereas I want 28 Jan 05 with Index 2.

Many thanks to you all

Bob Phillips


which is an array formula, it should be committed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter, not
just Enter.



Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Ron Coderre

See if this is what you're looking for:

With a date in A1 and your sample data in cells A5:C10


Note: Commit that array formula by holding down the [Ctrl][Shift] keys and
press [Enter].

That returns the date that is closest to your target date in A1, regardless
of whether it's over/under.

If you want the row number with that date, use this:

Commit that formula with [Ctrl][Shift][Enter]

Is that something you can work with?


XL2002, WinXP-Pro


Brilliant! all formuals worked a treat and I thank you Ron and Bob for your
assistance and quick response

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