Find Method; First letter


CG Rosén

Good Day Group,

Can anyone help me with following; Trying to make a listbox filled with all
items that
have a selected letter, in textbox1, as its first letter. Below code seems
to list all items that have
the selected letter anywhere in its spelling.

Thanks and Brgds

CG Rosén

Dim s As String


With Worksheets(2).Range("B1:B231")
Set j = .Find(UserForm1.TextBox1.Text, LookIn:=xlValues,

If Not j Is Nothing Then
firstAddress = j.Address
r = j.Row
s = Sheets("c").Cells(r, 2)
ListBox1.AddItem s
Set j = .FindNext(j)
Loop While Not j Is Nothing And j.Address <> firstAddress

End If

End With

Tom Ogilvy

With Worksheets(2).Range("B1:B231")
Set j = .Find(Left(UserForm1.TextBox1.Text,1) & "*", _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlWhole, _

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