Is there anyone direct me on how I can build a function to return the
next word in a string to the specified keyword.
for example I need to know an invoice number or a chek number in text
like this in my accounting database;
MyString = "Recd CN 125458 from Customer for inv 45889"
CheckNo= Myfunction_FindStr(SearchIn=MyString, KeyWord ="CN")
? CheckNo >>"125458" returned.
I know that all check numbers are pre-fixed with "CN" and I can
extracts all check numbers from this text.
I tried this code, but it had bugs that it does not return exactly the
next word to the keyword and it sometimes includes spaces before or
after the returned string.
Option Explicit
'there are two bugs in this function
' 1) it does not return exactly the next word from the key, as it
intends to return
'2)the length of returned string is not exactly correct
Public Function FindStr(strFindIN As String, strFindWhat As String,
Optional lngLength As Long = 0)
Dim lngStartPoint As Long
lngStartPoint = InStr(1, strFindIN, strFindWhat, vbTextCompare)
If lngStartPoint = 0 Then
FindStr = ""
Exit Function
End If
If lngLength = 0 Then
lngLength = InStr(lngStartPoint + Len(strFindWhat) + 1, strFindIN,
" ", vbTextCompare) - lngStartPoint - Len(strFindWhat) - 1
End If
FindStr = Mid(strFindIN, lngStartPoint + Len(strFindWhat) + 1,
End Function
please help
Is there anyone direct me on how I can build a function to return the
next word in a string to the specified keyword.
for example I need to know an invoice number or a chek number in text
like this in my accounting database;
MyString = "Recd CN 125458 from Customer for inv 45889"
CheckNo= Myfunction_FindStr(SearchIn=MyString, KeyWord ="CN")
? CheckNo >>"125458" returned.
I know that all check numbers are pre-fixed with "CN" and I can
extracts all check numbers from this text.
I tried this code, but it had bugs that it does not return exactly the
next word to the keyword and it sometimes includes spaces before or
after the returned string.
Option Explicit
'there are two bugs in this function
' 1) it does not return exactly the next word from the key, as it
intends to return
'2)the length of returned string is not exactly correct
Public Function FindStr(strFindIN As String, strFindWhat As String,
Optional lngLength As Long = 0)
Dim lngStartPoint As Long
lngStartPoint = InStr(1, strFindIN, strFindWhat, vbTextCompare)
If lngStartPoint = 0 Then
FindStr = ""
Exit Function
End If
If lngLength = 0 Then
lngLength = InStr(lngStartPoint + Len(strFindWhat) + 1, strFindIN,
" ", vbTextCompare) - lngStartPoint - Len(strFindWhat) - 1
End If
FindStr = Mid(strFindIN, lngStartPoint + Len(strFindWhat) + 1,
End Function
please help