"find" not finding formatting marks



I am trying to find manual page breaks and paragraph marks to edit them.

I have tried a "find", "find & replace" but neither has found any formatting

This is not correct because I have task pane on the "reveal formatting" page
and "show all formatting marks" is checked.

I can see the paragraph marks and page breaks in the document myself. But
the "find" and "find and replace" functions are unable to find them. What is

I am using word 2002 and the file type is a word document.


I have also just unchecked the "paragraph" mark on the toolbar. Usually this
made the paragraph marks in the document disappear but even with this
"unchecked" the paragraph marks remain.

Now I think I made a mistake somewhere. Please help me.

Herb Tyson [MVP]

In the Find what: field, use ^p for paragraph marks, and ^m for manual page
breaks. Use wildcards should NOT be checked.

If Ctrl+Shift+8 doesn't toggle some non-printing marks off, then they are
"permanently" set to display in Tools - Options - View - Formatting marks
section. When items there are not checked, Ctrl+Shift+8 (and the paragraph
tool in the toolbar) toggles them on/off. When items there are checked, then
the toggle will not affect the ones that are checked.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

The Show/Hide ¶ button toggles between display of all formatting marks and
those you have specifically selected on the View tab of Tools | Options; go
to that dialog and clear the check boxes for all the formatting marks.

How were you searching for the page breaks and paragraph marks? Were you
searching for ^m and ^p?


Thank the both of you. Clearing those check boxes for those marks was
exactly what needed to be done. Now I can proceed with my work.

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