find number of days in a month


Rick Brandt

Alex Soren said:
How to find number of days in a month inside a query

Do you need to evaluate a month by number, or by starting with a date

For the former (1 = January, 12 = December, etc.)...
DaysInMonth: Day(DateSerial(Year(Date()), [YourField]+1, 0))

For the latter (using a date field)...
DaysInMonth: Day(DateSerial(Year(Date()), Month([YourField])+1, 0))

Brian Camire

Assuming you have fields named "Month" (with values from 1 to 12) and "Year"
(with the four-digit year), you might use an expression something like this:

DateDiff("d", DateSerial([Year], [Month], 1), DateSerial([Year], [Month] +
1, 1))

Bruce M. Thompson

How to find number of days in a month inside a query

I assume that you are using a field containing a date so that your value will
account for leap year:


.... or ...


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