Ed Brown
I'm trying to search for a string containing an up-carat character ("^") in
a Word document, using a Range.Find.Execute command as follows:
With wdRange.Find
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Execute FindText:="^BEG"
End With
When run, this code produces ans error 5625 (no description) on the
".Execute FindText" line. If I remove the "^" character from the FindText
string, I don't get the error. How can I search for a string containing a
"^" character? I've tried escaping it, as in "\^BEG" which produces the same
Thanks in advance for any replies.
a Word document, using a Range.Find.Execute command as follows:
With wdRange.Find
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Execute FindText:="^BEG"
End With
When run, this code produces ans error 5625 (no description) on the
".Execute FindText" line. If I remove the "^" character from the FindText
string, I don't get the error. How can I search for a string containing a
"^" character? I've tried escaping it, as in "\^BEG" which produces the same
Thanks in advance for any replies.