Hi Suzanne,
FWIW, if you use Insert=>Picture [from File] Word does retain the original file name of the picture in Word Doc/DocX, XML and HTML
files. It often loses it in .RTF.
If you save as HTML and look at the source (or prior to Word 2007) use the MS Script Editor choice with a document that is open, or
use Web Page Preview in Word and look at the source the picture filename should appear as a 'title' property in the source, and
relate it to the 'Image001.jpg name used outsside of Word, something like this
<v:imagedata src="YOURDOCNAME_files/image001.jpg" o:title="ORIGPICFILENAME"/>
If they're embedded, there's no way to get the name unless they're also
Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word) >>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*