Find page location (number) of specific words in a document


Excel 009

I am new to Word VBA, although I have been programming in Excel VBA.

I need to create an Index page of a document and I guess the way to do
this is to specify the words that I to index and have the VBA code run
a loop on the words find in the document and returns their page number.
Would someone help me to do this? Of course, there might be a better
way of doing this. I am open to suggestion.

- 009

Shauna Kelly


To avoid reinventing the wheel, why not use the existing Index

There are two ways to proceed. One is to mark within the text each of the
words that you want to put in the index. The second is to create what's
known as a concordance file, that lists all the words that you want to
appear in the index, wherever they appear.

The first is a good solution when you want to create an index that is useful
for readers. The second is a good solution when someone said "add an index
to this document", but no-one really cares whether it's useful<g>.

In any case, look up Index in Word's (not Word VBA's) help file.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

Excel 009

Thank you Shauna.

I will like to try both the Non-VBA and VBA approaches. Reason for the
VBA approach is for the learning experience. Moreover, program with
VBA will give me more flexiblity to conduct the index page in the
format that I needed.

Could you help? Thanks again in advance.

Helmut Weber

VBA approach is for the learning experience.

if so, like this:

Sub Test8001()
Dim rDcm As Range
Set rDcm = ActiveDocument.Range
With rDcm.Find
.Text = "paraphernelia"
While .Execute
Debug.Print rDcm.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)
End With
End Sub

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Win XP, Office 2003
"red.sys" & Chr$(64) & ""

Excel 009

Thank you, Helmut. Your code works very well for me. I attached my
revised code to return somthing to this user group. It should come in
handy for others who need it.

Currently, I return the output in the Immediate Window. How can I
return the output at the end of the document in a new page and in 3
columns? Also, how can I make the keyword in bold?

- 009

Sub Test8001()
Dim rDcm As Range
Dim strWordPage As String
Dim strWord As String
Dim intWordPage As Integer
Dim intLoopCounter As Integer
Dim arrWord
Dim i As Integer

arrWord = Array("Statistic", "VBA", "Chart", "Office", "Windows",
"FrontPage", "DDE", "Update")

For i = 0 To UBound(arrWord)

strWordPage = ""
intLoopCounter = 0
intWordPage = 0

Set rDcm = ThisDocument.Range

With rDcm.Find
.Text = arrWord(i)
While .Execute
intLoopCounter = intLoopCounter + 1

'Record only when the current page number is different
If rDcm.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber) <>
intWordPage Then
If intLoopCounter = 1 Then
strWordPage = strWordPage & " " &
strWordPage = strWordPage & ", " &
End If
'Do Nothing
End If

intWordPage = rDcm.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)
End With

Debug.Print arrWord(i) & " " & strWordPage
Set rDcm = Nothing
Next i

End Sub


One way I learn about code is to record a macro while I manually do what I
want to do with the mouse selecting text and manipulating menus and dialogs,
etc. Then I stop recording and inspect the code that the recorder recorded.
This method doesn't always show you the best way or efficient way to do
something but it is a way to start getting answers. Also if you press the F1
function key while your cursor is in a word in VBA code, then the VBA Help
window pops up to inform you.

Excel 009

Thanks Russ. I did what you suggested and record the code for the
following tasks:

- Insert a page break at the end of the document.
- Set a 3-column format from that page forward.

I now need to:

- Go to the last page.
- Populate the output using my code to the last page of the document.
- Select each of the keywords and make them bold.

I also need to know how I can run my code on a specific range of the
document, example, page 5 to 7, instead of on the whole document?

Could any one help?


The cod below might get you started.
Thanks Russ. I did what you suggested and record the code for the
following tasks:

- Insert a page break at the end of the document.
- Set a 3-column format from that page forward.

I now need to:

- Go to the last page.
- Populate the output using my code to the last page of the document.
- Select each of the keywords and make them bold.
Sub aTest()
Dim rngRange As Range
Dim strText As String

strText = "Test and more words"
Set rngRange = ActiveDocument.Range
rngRange.Start = rngRange.End
rngRange.InsertAfter strText
With rngRange.Find
.Text = "test" ' you may want use wildcards
.Replacement.Text = "^&"
.Replacement.Font.Bold = True
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
End Sub
I also need to know how I can run my code on a specific range of the
document, example, page 5 to 7, instead of on the whole document?
Pages are defined in Word by the default printer driver. But you could
research using the 'goto' method in Word VBA help.


The code below might get you started.

Sub aTest()
Dim rngRange As Range
Dim strText As String

strText = "Test and more words"
Set rngRange = ActiveDocument.Range
rngRange.Start = rngRange.End
rngRange.InsertAfter strText
With rngRange.Find
.Text = "test" ' you may want use wildcards
.Replacement.Text = "^&"
.Replacement.Font.Bold = True
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
End Sub
Pages are defined in Word by the default printer driver. But you could
research using the 'goto' method in Word VBA help.
Also if you could uniquely identify the start and end of the part of the
document you want to work on, you could insert continuous section breaks
before and after or create a bookmark and address that section.range or
bookmark.range with your code.
You can also address the tables collection, if those pages contain tables
that you want to work on.(since you are coming from Excel?)

Excel 009

Thank Russ.

I have tried to incorporate the code into my current code, but
unsuccessful to achieve my objective. Your code works fine - it is
just me.

I think may be it would be easier to separate the task into 2:

- Populate my output at the end of last page.
- Make the selected keywords bold.

Assume the following is my output already populated at the end of the
last page of the document:

VBA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Chart 6, 7, 9, 11, 12
Office 2, 7, 8, 10, 12
Windows 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12
FrontPage 7, 8
DDE 5, 10, 11
Update 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

How can I make the keywords, "VBA", Chart"....."Update", bold, and not
the page numbers that append to them?


One quick reply is to change find and replace to a wildcard find.
Amend code I suggested with this.

..text = "[A-Za-z]{1,}" 'look for groups of letters
..matchwildcards = True

Excel 009

Would this search for all the keywords in the document or just my
output at the end of the page? How can I use the code to select the
keywords and make them bold?


Amend my code as suggested and run it. You can run it is single step mode to
see what each line does. You did say you were re-inventing Word's index
function to learn about VBA?
Would this search for all the keywords in the document or just my
output at the end of the page?
End of document with my amended code.
How can I use the code to select the
keywords and make them bold?
My amended macro inserts predefined text at end of document. (Define your
own Index text)
Then the amended wildcard pattern find and replace finds all groups that
have strings of letters in that predefined text at the end of the document
and makes them bold.
Click on this link for wildcard pattern info.

Excel 009

Thanks Russ.

I incorporated your code into my little sub and it worked in the way
that I needed this time.
I am posting the code for others as a reference.

I used your code with an array for the keywords:

.Text = arrWord(i)

so that all the keywords will be bolded.

Thanks again for all your help. This has been a good learning
experience. I am now going to explore the Index function in Word
without using the VBA. I had problem using it last time and that led
me to use the VBA approach. I am going to give it another try. Should
I fail this time, you should see my post again.

Excel 009


Sub Test8001()
Dim rDcm As Range
Dim strWordPage As String
Dim strWord As String
Dim intWordPage As Integer
Dim intLoopCounter As Integer
Dim arrWord
Dim i As Integer
Dim strIndex As String

arrWord = Array("Statistic", "VBA", "Chart", "Office", "Windows",
"FrontPage", "DDE", "Update")

For i = 0 To UBound(arrWord)
strWordPage = ""
intLoopCounter = 0
intWordPage = 0

Set rDcm = ThisDocument.Range

With rDcm.Find
.Text = arrWord(i)
While .Execute
intLoopCounter = intLoopCounter + 1

'Record only when the current page number is different
If rDcm.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber) <>
intWordPage Then
If intLoopCounter = 1 Then
strWordPage = strWordPage & " " &
strWordPage = strWordPage & ", " &
End If
'Do Nothing
End If

intWordPage = rDcm.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)
End With

strIndex = strIndex & arrWord(i) & " " & strWordPage & vbCr
'Debug.Print arrWord(i) & " " & strWordPage

Set rDcm = Nothing
Next i

Dim rngRange As Range
Set rngRange = ThisDocument.Range
rngRange.Start = rngRange.End
rngRange.InsertAfter vbCrLf & strIndex

For i = 0 To UBound(arrWord)
With rngRange.Find
.Text = arrWord(i)
.Replacement.Text = "^&"
.Replacement.Font.Bold = True
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
Next i

End Sub

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