1. Get the Search Word from the excel sheet
2. Initialize the excel sheet by clearing any previous search results
3. For each sentence in the word document, do steps 4-8
4. Select the sentence
5. Execute a find for the search word
6. If a match is found, use Selection.Information to find the page
7. Increment the number of search results
8. Export the sentence and the page number to the excel sheet
9. Export the number of search results into the excel sheet
Sub SentenceFind()
'This macro finds the sentence with a specific word
'The sentence and the page number of the sentence is stored in an excel
'The excel worksheet is named Search.xls and is located in the same
'The worksheet has the format
'Search Word: WordName
'Sentence, Page Number
'Open the Excel sheet and get the search word
Dim oExcel As Excel.Application
Dim oBook As Excel.Workbook
Const FileName As String = "Search.xls"
Dim FullPath As String
FullPath = ActiveDocument.Path & "\" & FileName
If Tasks.Exists("Microsoft Excel") = True Then
Set oExcel = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
End If
oExcel.Visible = True
If oExcel.Workbooks.Count > 0 Then
Dim BookOpened As Boolean
BookOpened = False
For Each oBook In oExcel.Workbooks
If (oBook.Name = FileName) Then
BookOpened = True
Exit For
End If
If (BookOpened = False) Then
Set oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(FullPath)
End If
Set oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(FullPath)
End If
If (oBook.Worksheets("Search").Range("B2").Value > 0) Then
'Clear earlier contents
EndNo = 3 + oBook.Worksheets("Search").Range("B2").Value
EndCell = "B" & EndNo
oBook.Worksheets("Search").Range("A4:" & EndCell).Cells.Delete
End If
Dim SearchWord As String
Dim Sentence As String
Dim PageNo As Integer
Dim SearchNumber As Integer
SearchNumber = 0
SearchWord = oBook.Worksheets("Search").Range("B1").Value
Dim oRange As Range
For Each oRange In ActiveDocument.Sentences
Sentence = oRange.Text
With oRange.Find
.Text = SearchWord
End With
If (oRange.Find.Found = True) Then
SearchNumber = SearchNumber + 1
PageNo =
InsertSearch oBook, Sentence, PageNo, SearchNumber
End If
oBook.Sheets("Search").Range("B2").Value = SearchNumber
Set oExcel = Nothing
End Sub
Sub InsertSearch(oBook As Excel.Workbook, Sentence As String, PageNo As
Integer, SearchNumber As Integer)
'This helper function inserts a sentence and page no into the excel
Dim oSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim Row As Integer
Set oSheet = oBook.Worksheets("Search")
Row = SearchNumber + 3 'first three lines in sheet contain text
oSheet.Cells(Row, 1) = Sentence
oSheet.Cells(Row, 2) = PageNo
End Sub
Excel Sheet Format:
Search Word: house
Number of searches: 0
Sentence Page No
Sentence 1 1
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