Find record in recordset




I encounter some problems finding information in a recordset.
I have 2 recordsets, rs_BO and rs_FTP.
Using a loop to run trough rs_BO, I would like to find information in
rs_FTP, find code hereafter, I encounter a run time error '3001' "Agruments
are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with
one another" and I can't find the reason.
Here is the code:

Option Compare Database

'Declare variables
Dim SqlBO As String
Dim SqlFTP As String
Dim cnnstr As String
Dim m_datum As String
Dim m_PF As String
Dim m_PG As String
Dim m_VSS As String
'Dim m_RepType As String
Dim PFupd As Boolean
Dim PGupd As Boolean
Dim VSSupd As Boolean
Dim Mark As Variant

'Define connection in current database
Dim rs_BO As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim cnn, cnn2 As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs_FTP As New ADODB.Recordset

Public Sub AddFormType()

'Fill variables with defaults
Count = 0
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection

'Define connection to an outside database
cnnstr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;User ID=Admin;"
cnnstr = cnnstr + "Data Source=I:\be\_agb\agfaproj\logistiek\WOS\WOS
rs_BO.activeconnection = cnn
rs_FTP.activeconnection = cnnstr

'Opening the tables (Recordsets)
'Table 1
SqlBO = "Tbl_BackOrders"
rs_BO.Open SqlBO, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
'Table 2
SqlFTP = "Tbl_FormTypeParam"
rs_FTP.Open SqlFTP ', cnn2, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

'Positioning at the top of the table
'Loop through all the records
Do Until rs_BO.EOF
'Fill up some variables
If IsNull(rs_BO.Fields("ProdFam").Value) Then
m_PF = ""
PFupd = False
m_PF = rs_BO.Fields("ProdFam").Value
PFupd = True
End If
If IsNull(rs_BO.Fields("PG").Value) Then
m_PG = ""
PGupd = False
m_PG = rs_BO.Fields("PG").Value
PGupd = True
End If
If IsNull(rs_BO.Fields("VSS").Value) Then
m_VSS = ""
VSSupd = False
m_VSS = rs_BO.Fields("VSS").Value
VSSupd = True
End If

'Find the value in the parameter table containing the report type

'Check for variable PFupd
If PFupd = True Then

' Find first record satisfying search string. Exit
' loop if no such record exists.
Mark = 1
rs_FTP.Find "PF = " & m_PF, 1, adSearchForward, Mark

Do While rs_FTP.EOF <> True
Debug.Print " Report Type FOR pf = " & m_PF & "/ " &
Count = Count + 1 'Count the last PF found.
Mark = rs_FTP.RecordCount 'Note current position.
If Mark < 0 Then
Mark = 2
End If

rs_FTP.Find "PF = " & m_PF, 1, adSearchForward, Mark

'Now we have to search on the PG level to find out if there are
related items
If PGupd = True Then

End If
'Now we have to search on the PG level
' Find first record satisfying search string. Exit
' loop if no such record exists.
End If

End Sub
Public Sub PGloop()

Mark = 1
rs_FTP.Find "PG = " & m_PG, 1, adSearchForward, Mark

Do While rs_FTP.EOF <> True
Debug.Print rs_FTP.Bookmark & " Report Type FOR pg = " & m_PG &
"/ " & rs_FTP.Fields("RepType")
Mark = rs_FTP.RecordCount 'Note current position.
If Mark < 0 Then
Mark = 2
End If

rs_FTP.Find "PG = " & m_PG, 1, adSearchForward, Mark


End Sub


No help needed on this request. Problem resolved

Amduke said:

I encounter some problems finding information in a recordset.
I have 2 recordsets, rs_BO and rs_FTP.
Using a loop to run trough rs_BO, I would like to find information in
rs_FTP, find code hereafter, I encounter a run time error '3001' "Agruments
are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with
one another" and I can't find the reason.
Here is the code:

Option Compare Database

'Declare variables
Dim SqlBO As String
Dim SqlFTP As String
Dim cnnstr As String
Dim m_datum As String
Dim m_PF As String
Dim m_PG As String
Dim m_VSS As String
'Dim m_RepType As String
Dim PFupd As Boolean
Dim PGupd As Boolean
Dim VSSupd As Boolean
Dim Mark As Variant

'Define connection in current database
Dim rs_BO As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim cnn, cnn2 As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs_FTP As New ADODB.Recordset

Public Sub AddFormType()

'Fill variables with defaults
Count = 0
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection

'Define connection to an outside database
cnnstr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;User ID=Admin;"
cnnstr = cnnstr + "Data Source=I:\be\_agb\agfaproj\logistiek\WOS\WOS
rs_BO.activeconnection = cnn
rs_FTP.activeconnection = cnnstr

'Opening the tables (Recordsets)
'Table 1
SqlBO = "Tbl_BackOrders"
rs_BO.Open SqlBO, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
'Table 2
SqlFTP = "Tbl_FormTypeParam"
rs_FTP.Open SqlFTP ', cnn2, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

'Positioning at the top of the table
'Loop through all the records
Do Until rs_BO.EOF
'Fill up some variables
If IsNull(rs_BO.Fields("ProdFam").Value) Then
m_PF = ""
PFupd = False
m_PF = rs_BO.Fields("ProdFam").Value
PFupd = True
End If
If IsNull(rs_BO.Fields("PG").Value) Then
m_PG = ""
PGupd = False
m_PG = rs_BO.Fields("PG").Value
PGupd = True
End If
If IsNull(rs_BO.Fields("VSS").Value) Then
m_VSS = ""
VSSupd = False
m_VSS = rs_BO.Fields("VSS").Value
VSSupd = True
End If

'Find the value in the parameter table containing the report type

'Check for variable PFupd
If PFupd = True Then

' Find first record satisfying search string. Exit
' loop if no such record exists.
Mark = 1
rs_FTP.Find "PF = " & m_PF, 1, adSearchForward, Mark

Do While rs_FTP.EOF <> True
Debug.Print " Report Type FOR pf = " & m_PF & "/ " &
Count = Count + 1 'Count the last PF found.
Mark = rs_FTP.RecordCount 'Note current position.
If Mark < 0 Then
Mark = 2
End If

rs_FTP.Find "PF = " & m_PF, 1, adSearchForward, Mark

'Now we have to search on the PG level to find out if there are
related items
If PGupd = True Then

End If
'Now we have to search on the PG level
' Find first record satisfying search string. Exit
' loop if no such record exists.
End If

End Sub
Public Sub PGloop()

Mark = 1
rs_FTP.Find "PG = " & m_PG, 1, adSearchForward, Mark

Do While rs_FTP.EOF <> True
Debug.Print rs_FTP.Bookmark & " Report Type FOR pg = " & m_PG &
"/ " & rs_FTP.Fields("RepType")
Mark = rs_FTP.RecordCount 'Note current position.
If Mark < 0 Then
Mark = 2
End If

rs_FTP.Find "PG = " & m_PG, 1, adSearchForward, Mark


End Sub

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