This question has 2 parts to it.
QUESTION 1: FIND & REPLACE (Follow-up from a previous post).
I'm using Excel 2000 and I ran into a problem when I tried making a macro
which did a find and replace on many items on an imported spreadsheet. After
I entered 13 items, anything else I added turned a red color. Someone had
suggested that I try putting my find/replace values on a separate worksheet
in 2 columns and then use coding to do the function. Since I'm new to VB
coding I tried what was suggested but couldn't get it to work properly.
The background for this originally was posted here under the title "Find &
Replace macro limit?":
Basically, I added a button and clicking on it is supposed to activate the
following macro (located in Module4):
Sub Button2_Click()
For Each Cell In Worksheet("import (MACRO test) (2)").Range("rngData")
Cells.Replace What:=Cell.Value, Replacement:=Cell.Offset(0, 1).Value, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False
End Sub
However, I get a "Compile Error: Sub or Function not defined" and the word
"Worksheet" is highlighted. When I click OK, it also highlights the 1st line
of the macro in yellow (the name of the macro). What am I doing wrong?
a) How can I use a similar concept to automatically find companies on a
worksheet and insert the pay rate for these companies in a separate column on
that worksheet based on either:
1) 2 different columns of criteria on the same worksheet (plus the
company name), or
2) a pay rate table located, preferably, in a different workbook (a
separate Excel file)?
Keep in mind that there are many different criteria possible, so creating a
regular formula is out of the question for this task. Also, ...
b) Would it be possible that if there is more than one rate for any company
that Excel would provide a list of choices in the rate column for those
companies (like a drop down list of choices)?
QUESTION 1: FIND & REPLACE (Follow-up from a previous post).
I'm using Excel 2000 and I ran into a problem when I tried making a macro
which did a find and replace on many items on an imported spreadsheet. After
I entered 13 items, anything else I added turned a red color. Someone had
suggested that I try putting my find/replace values on a separate worksheet
in 2 columns and then use coding to do the function. Since I'm new to VB
coding I tried what was suggested but couldn't get it to work properly.
The background for this originally was posted here under the title "Find &
Replace macro limit?":
Basically, I added a button and clicking on it is supposed to activate the
following macro (located in Module4):
Sub Button2_Click()
For Each Cell In Worksheet("import (MACRO test) (2)").Range("rngData")
Cells.Replace What:=Cell.Value, Replacement:=Cell.Offset(0, 1).Value, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False
End Sub
However, I get a "Compile Error: Sub or Function not defined" and the word
"Worksheet" is highlighted. When I click OK, it also highlights the 1st line
of the macro in yellow (the name of the macro). What am I doing wrong?
a) How can I use a similar concept to automatically find companies on a
worksheet and insert the pay rate for these companies in a separate column on
that worksheet based on either:
1) 2 different columns of criteria on the same worksheet (plus the
company name), or
2) a pay rate table located, preferably, in a different workbook (a
separate Excel file)?
Keep in mind that there are many different criteria possible, so creating a
regular formula is out of the question for this task. Also, ...
b) Would it be possible that if there is more than one rate for any company
that Excel would provide a list of choices in the rate column for those
companies (like a drop down list of choices)?