Hi Rashid - you can use an expression in the Find and Replace box. Try
the following
Click on Edit, Replace, in the Find What box type ([A-Z])([a-z]{3}), in
the replace with box type \1\2space (don't type the word space, just
insert a space using the space bar.
Ensure there is a tick in the Wildcards tick box.
The Expression explained:
The first pattern
([A-Z]) this is the first pattern which is contained inside
paranthesis. It says, find any capital letter between A and Z.
The second pattern
([a-z]{3}) this is the second pattern which is contained inside a
separate set of paranthesis. It says, find any lower case character
between a-z which is 3 characters long.
The whole expression put together says "find an upper case letter
followed by 3 lower case letters.
The replace with box says replace with pattern 1 then replace with
pattern two then add a space. So pattern 1 is represented by "\1" and
patter 2 is represented by "\2", basically the it is replacing what it
found then adds on a space. So it finds Abcd, replaces it with Abcd
and adds a space.
Hello All,
I am using Office 2003.
I have a document where text is as follows eg:
I wish to have space inserted before each 'Captial' letter where the
final result should be as follows:
Abcd Efgh Ijkl Mnop Qrst Uvwx Yz
Any help would be appreciated.
Rashid Khan