Find/Replace changes cell format ??????



I have a column in spreadsheet containing codes - they are 4-digit
some of them contain leading zeros. So column is formatted as Text to
those leading zeros. I want to mark some of those codes by adding
extra prefix -
eg. '0041' changes to 'xx0042'. But when I try to remove to remove
that extra string
later by Find/Replace Excel reformats the cell to remove leading
zeros: xx0042
changes to 42. How can I prevent that?

TIA for any pointers,



Highlight the cells, CTRL-H, then:

Find What: xx
Replace with: ' (i.e. apostrophe)
Replace All.

Hope this helps.


Mike H

I assume you are manually applying the prefix so you have 2 choices:-

1. When applying the pefix don't delete the ' sign. It will be visible in
the cell though. When you do a replace xx with nothing and the leading zeroes
will be retained.

2. If having the ' visible is an issue then delete it, apply your prefix and
when you replace try replacing xx with '


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