I am sure it will be very easy for seasoned Gurus of Word & Excel.
I have excel table that has two columns
Column A : Contains Old number
Column B : Contains New Number
There are approximately 1250 rows in excel Spread sheet.
I want to search word document for 'Old Number' and replace with 'Old
Number / (New Number)', where 'Old Number' and 'New Number' are picked
up from Excel
So to summarize my need here are the steps I want to perform
1. Go in Excel
2. Find 'Old Number' from column A, find 'New Number' from column B
3 Go to Word
4 Perform Find and replace (as explained earlier)
5 Go in Excel
6 Go to next row and perform same thing from step 2 onwards above.
I am new to VBA and could not figure it out how to do it.
Thanks in advance
I am sure it will be very easy for seasoned Gurus of Word & Excel.
I have excel table that has two columns
Column A : Contains Old number
Column B : Contains New Number
There are approximately 1250 rows in excel Spread sheet.
I want to search word document for 'Old Number' and replace with 'Old
Number / (New Number)', where 'Old Number' and 'New Number' are picked
up from Excel
So to summarize my need here are the steps I want to perform
1. Go in Excel
2. Find 'Old Number' from column A, find 'New Number' from column B
3 Go to Word
4 Perform Find and replace (as explained earlier)
5 Go in Excel
6 Go to next row and perform same thing from step 2 onwards above.
I am new to VBA and could not figure it out how to do it.
Thanks in advance