Find/Replace not working with field.



I have fields, throughout a proposal document, to fill the customer
name. In a few instances in the proposal, the customer name shows
possession, ('s), after the field. A few of our customers end in 's.
After entering the customer name I end up with, example: Lowe's's
where Lowe's is in the field and 's is after the field. I tried to
find/replace, ('s's with 's), but the entire field is deleted leaving
only 's. Anyone have any ideas of how to delete the additional 's
after the field if it occurs?

Also, some customer names ends in s. I need to be able to eliminate
the s from 's after the field when the posession scenario comes up.

Any help will be greatly appreciated,


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

One thing that you could do is use Ctrl+Shift+F9 to unlink the fields and
convert them to ordinary text. After doing that, the Find/Replace should

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Thanks Doug. That is an option. I am trying to leave the fields in
tact. They ref a bookmark which is filled from a userform. My userform
writes the bookmark.text then updates the fields. It also extracts the
data from the bookmark.text when it opens allowing editing. Your
method would disable editing from the userform but could be used after
the document is finalized and ready to head out the door.

Thanks much for your reply.




I thought I would follow up to give you an idea of what I came up

Rather than deleting the fields and running find/replace, I set a
bookmark for the "'s". I set ref field to the bookmark on the other
"'s" located through the document. I set a hidden text box on the
userform. The code uses Find to see if the "'s's" exists. If it does
exist, the textbox.text = nothing, which in turn writes "nothing" to
the bookmark. If it doesn't then it rights the "'s" to the
textbox.text then writes "'s" to the bookmark. I then check for "s's",
writing " ' " or "'s" to the textbox.text then to the bookmark.

It works well and leaves the ability to edit the document from the


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