Find Replace takes forever



Excel 2003 SR1

I am pulling data from a text formatted .xls file into columns. The
Employee Name is pulled to column L with this formula =IF(B3="Employee:",
C3,""). The Formula is pulled down and at each occurrence, the name is
copied. Where Bn does not equal "Employee:", L is 'blank', although it
really contains the formula. I copy column L, paste special, values, into
Column N. When I click on the 'blank' cells in Column N, there is a ' in the
formula bar. I have also tried =IF(B3="Employee:", C3,"AAA"). When I
replace the AAA, there is a ' in the formula bar.

The total rows is around 35000. When I highlight Column N, Find (I space
bar 4-5 times, or ) and Replace with AAA, it takes forever - and the cell
identifier box to the left of the formula box goes wild. When it finishes
(4-5 minutes), I find AAA and replace it with nothing. This takes 2-3

What can I do to speed up or work around the long find/replace process? I
need to have the blanks beneath the name really blank, since my next step is
to F5, Special, blanks, = up arrow, Ctrl, Enter which will copy down the name
until the next name occurs.


Carole O


try using
=IF(B3="Employee:", C3,"").
insert new row 1
select column L
click on the double arrow autofilter symbol and select blanks
reselect column L
<data><filter><deselect autofilter>
delete row 1

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