Find & replace with text


Waheeda Ali

I have a column in excel that has invoice numbers from two departments
They start with S-####### or WO-######. I want to add another column and
insert text "counter" if it is an invoice that starts with S and text "work
order" if invoice number started with WO*. I tried the IF function but my
result always comes out false. Can someone help please?

Dave Peterson

=if(right(a2,1)="s","Counter","Work Order")
if the only two options are S* and WO*

=if(left(a2,1)="s","Counter",if(left(a2,2)="wo","Work Order","Not specified"))

Waheeda Ali

Thank you Dave. It worked.

Dave Peterson said:
=if(right(a2,1)="s","Counter","Work Order")
if the only two options are S* and WO*

=if(left(a2,1)="s","Counter",if(left(a2,2)="wo","Work Order","Not specified"))

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