Find replace


confused dot com

Here's an easy one for you clever people, how do I find and replace on a
single sheet or column? please.


Highlight the data range beforehand - eg click the column identifier to
highlight a complete column. Then CTRL-H (or click Edit | Replace) and
a panel pops up to allow you to specify what to Find and what to
Replace it with. Buttons allow you to just Find, or Find next, or
Replace All etc.

Hope this helps.


confused dot com

Sorry I meant to say I need a macro. I can record this operation but it
doesn't specify what sheet.


If you highlight a column (say) then turn the macro recorder on while
going through the rest of the sequence, then the Find & Replace will
relate to the selection on the active sheet. If you want to do the same
Find & Replace on a different range on a different sheet then select
that range first then run your macro.

Hope this helps.


Bob Phillips

Look at Replace Method in VBA help, there is an example.


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)


Search & replace the text in your files in seconds.
A free software from KnowleSys.
Search & Replace Master is an easy to use search and replace utility
loved by webmasters, programmers, and novice computer users alike.

Search & Replace Master looks through multiple files for a string or
pattern and can also replace it with another string or pattern.

A pattern is a string with at least one wildcard character in it. For
example: http*.htm, A*B*C.

You can also use {$1} to reference the text that the first '*' on
behalf of. And use {$2} for the second and so on.

It can also strip formatting from Word generated HTML file to make it
clean and small.

It can do case sensitive or insensitive searches, before or after

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